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Is my betta just beating itself up or is this some disease? I remember a couple of years ago with one of my previous bettas within a couple of months it had basically what looked like the same thing and just healed over time. My betta is very active and I got it 3 days ago. It is also very vibrant. All I have that it could hurt itself on is probably just the sponge filter and the heater, maybe the betta leaf but I don't have anything else in my tank besides plants and very well sanded wood which I know it can't hurt itself on. Is my betta okay? It's still very active, and water chemistry is almost perfect (especially ammonia levels). I am also dosing 5ml of seachem stress coat since the day I got em. Also note that I'm pretty sure it's the same reason as my previous betta (beating itself up) as it wasn't like this last night or this morning.


Note that the 2nd image is pretty much the same as the 1st image; not just dots and just not as bad as the 1st image, just the camera picked up weirdly since it's further away and I have a crappy camera.



Edited by Jayden Gomez
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I saw your other post. About people not responding to you. I saw him and honestly, I don't know what the deal is. Are they raised spots, or loss of scale or just color changes. I really don't think we're ignoring you; we're all wondering what is that? @Colu

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@Tony s They are basically holes in the head, sounds a lot like HITH but it's from injury, can HITH be caused from injury? Sorry about the photo not being clear, I don't have a true good way to take pictures, and this betta is camera shy and really likes to move around all day. Basically as you can see from the photo, in those areas of lighter coloration are just missing the top layer of skin/scale, whatever they are.

Also I specifically want to thank you, since honestly Tony you've replied to most of my questions. Thanks!

I do also have the med trio, but I think really only paracleanse would help out of all of them due to the ability to treat HITH and cloud eye or whatever from what I remember, or maracyn due to bacterial? I honestly forgot about which exact functions each of them do, but I have them and used at least maracyn before, will read up before medicating and gotta find them again somewhere in my fish stuff, they're somewhere though.

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On 8/30/2024 at 9:17 PM, Jayden Gomez said:

can HITH be caused from injury

usually that's a water quality issue, followed by a bacterial issue. There's a whole lot of issues caused by simple water issues and the stress caused from it. That's the area I'd concentrate on first. Making sure the water is safe. So, you need to test for the ammonia and nitrites. You need to make sure they're at 0. then do the meds

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You can also add some salt. Not sure I’d do more than a tablespoon per 10g though since it’s planted. Maybe a couple of catapa leaves as well. The tannins they release will darken the water but help protect from bacteria 

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I would add some Indian almond leaves as they have antibacterial and antifungal properties you might have to add one leaf per gallon to get a beneficial effect if it were hole in the head your would want to treat with metronidazole active ingredient metroplex in food feeding a small amount twice a day for upto 3 weeks if you can try and get a better picture that will help with a diagnosis @Jayden Gomez


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