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Problems with my Cory


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Water Parameters:

(As of 08-24-24 when tests were taken)


2 Corydoras

1 Neon Tetra




Hello everyone,

I’m currently having some trouble with one of my Corydoras. Earlier today I saw that he was up close to the glass and out in the light, which is very unusual as they are both usually under the log during the day. I saw that he had what looked like lesions and parts of his fins and tail missing. I took some photos with the intention of coming here for help. These are the photos. 







Later, I saw that he had swam into one of my plants, exposing more lesions. 





What can I do to help him get better? I’ve got the med trio coming in on Friday, but I have in my cabinet a bottle of API Melafix, so I’ll be adding some of that in hopes that it’ll help. I also currently have some neons in quarantine so I could move him there for now, but I’m not sure if moving him will cause more stress and make things worse. Here are some pictures of the whole tank. 








Edited by Spooky_Action98
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On 8/26/2024 at 12:35 PM, Spooky_Action98 said:

 I’ve got some Maracyn coming in on Thursday,

If you could, I'd get some maracyn2 or kanaplex on hand as well. Both are a bit stronger and broader spectrum. They'll possibly do a much better job over a greater range. regular maracyn is just erythromycin. You can actually find it at petsmart/petco. 

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On 8/26/2024 at 5:35 PM, Spooky_Action98 said:

@Colu I’ve got some Maracyn coming in on Thursday, would it be a good idea to dose the tank just in case? My other fish are looking fine and eating well, but just want to make sure.

I wouldn't treat unless your other fish are displaying the seem symptoms than I would do a course of maracyn 

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