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Need help identifying this.."algae"?

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Need help identifying this. 

Looks like some sort of fungal growth. I feel like it's connected to feeding baby brine shrimp. Never saw it until I had fry so naturally I increased feeding. Possibly connected to the brine shrimp salt water?20240822_143227.jpg.59ce10797068027186f4efabb331404a.jpg

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On 8/22/2024 at 7:59 PM, T. Payne said:

Its hydra. Feeding too much bbs that goes uneaten can cause them to have an explosion of growth as you now have.


On 8/22/2024 at 8:46 PM, Whitecloud09 said:

Hydra I totally agree with @T. Payne

Makes sense lol literally first sentence says "it usually happens when we are intentionally overfeeding BBS for fry" so from what I'm reading it's just another part of the ecosystem, one article said that they can eat fry but considering the size i doubt it. I just hate that it's on my plants. I've literally never seen it before in any of my tanks ever lol. 

From what I'm reading they say snails would be perfect to remove them.. always worried about putting bigger snails in my breeding tanks. Any recommendations?

And another question that I feel like I already know the answer to. Now that they are established in my tanks I'm assuming simply feeding less BBS isn't going to make them go away and I have fry in the 4 affected tanks so chemicals are not an option.

Tbh if it's not harmful to my fish I usually welcome another organism to live in my tanks

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On 8/22/2024 at 8:11 PM, Mag said:

From what I'm reading they say snails would be perfect to remove them.. always worried about putting bigger snails in my breeding tanks. Any recommendations?

I have seen snails eat them, but I can't remember if it was my mystery snails or my nerites.

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On 8/22/2024 at 10:40 PM, T. Payne said:

I recently had a breakout of hydra in my cpd growout tank, used no planaria and it killed off all the hydra within a couple days.

Worried about harming my fry... I have about 250 fry between the 6 tanks 

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