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  1. I have them in all my tanks with fry unfortunately... doesn't seem to bother them at all... I usually like additional diversity in my tanks but they keep growing on my darn plants.... 1 day every other week I don't feed my tanks. The next day I noticed all the hydra were way stubbier and thicker and weren't moving much. Then my fish started eating them. I was like!! Wow that was super easy. They immediately came back the second I started feeding again. Chemicals aren't an option for me because I don't want to take the chance my fry will get harmed. From what I read it's like getting lanced with the super thin appendage. Short term, I haven't seen any issues except choking my plants and eating leftover BBS.not sure as to any longterm effects. (Like stress related) I also did the scraping/siphoning combo and while it definitely reduced the hydra on my glass over the next few days they just came back at about the same density as before
  2. Bitter sweet... she has the fry and they are eating so the bloodline lives ON!
  3. So my literal favorite fish died (I even made sure to never mention he was my favorite). I think it was a PH swing. The female survived and I was super bummed... not only because I would have to purchase another pair which are expensive.. but he really was a supermodel. He looked better than the male In the picture I attached. Yesterday morning I came home from work to find her herding about 30 fry! He shall live on!!!
  4. I've beeb having trouble breeding rhe golden australe. To be honest it's the only fish I've had a problem with. My gardneri aren't using my spawning mops but I have fry that popped up somehow. I could always tell when the female gardneri was gravid.. almost like a pregnant guppy just not as drastic. I have yet to see my golden australe female with any eggs. I'm hoping she is too young.. if not idk. I tried looking online at what age/size aphyosemion became sexually mature and I couldn't find anything. I'm going to try the peat moss dish method. Let me know if you have success. I've found with my apistos PH has a lot to do with it.
  5. I love how everyone's hatch times are so crazy different. I use the ziss hatchery. 70F liquid metal tap water that comes with 2.0ppm of amonia and 8.0 PH. I use 2 tablespoons of the CoOP brine shrimp salt. They hatch in like 24 hours like clockwork
  6. Why is that? Because the fry are already used to that tanks parameters? And the adults can acclimate easier?
  7. Worried about harming my fry... I have about 250 fry between the 6 tanks
  8. I'm having trouble finding info on spawning cycles. How soon after a pairs first spawn will they attempt again? I'm assuming around a month.... also one thing my dummy self forgot to plan for was removing the fry from the tank.. any tips? My first idea was to use a 2" hose and just syphon them into a bucket
  9. Makes sense lol literally first sentence says "it usually happens when we are intentionally overfeeding BBS for fry" so from what I'm reading it's just another part of the ecosystem, one article said that they can eat fry but considering the size i doubt it. I just hate that it's on my plants. I've literally never seen it before in any of my tanks ever lol. From what I'm reading they say snails would be perfect to remove them.. always worried about putting bigger snails in my breeding tanks. Any recommendations? And another question that I feel like I already know the answer to. Now that they are established in my tanks I'm assuming simply feeding less BBS isn't going to make them go away and I have fry in the 4 affected tanks so chemicals are not an option. Tbh if it's not harmful to my fish I usually welcome another organism to live in my tanks
  10. Need help identifying this. Looks like some sort of fungal growth. I feel like it's connected to feeding baby brine shrimp. Never saw it until I had fry so naturally I increased feeding. Possibly connected to the brine shrimp salt water?
  11. What size is your tank? The mom's behavior is stunning. The male is just staying as far away as possible. My tank is 11.6g, 24in long 14 wide and 7" deep. My thought process was, most of my research says they live in shallow water. I found in my 60g with apistogramma agassizi, the height of the tank makes territory larger and encourages aggression. Also apistogramma rarely go above the first 5" of a tank. Figured I would increase their total swim space with a longer and wider tank
  12. Dan I got the macmasteri red shoulder, hongsloi, golden australe, gardneri and blue gularis all from you. All amazing healthy beautiful fish. Stay tuned the red shoulder female is showing yellow too. Best fish I've ever bought.
  13. She is straight yellow now with a solid line. The dad pretty much just stays away. What would they be communicating? How long until I should remove them to the grow out tank?
  14. First spawn for this pair as well. Was a small clutch only about 20. Free swimming 8/1. She's beeb a really good mom so far but now they are starting to venture away from her. Is this a good time to remove the fry to the grow out tank? 10 gallon tank - 24"x14"x7". Worried the multiple daily feedings are causing nitrites to rise. Only feeding the fry live BBS.
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