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Algae, Cyanobacteria, or both

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Have this fluffy algae accumulating at plant roots. Also algae growing on this large tank decoration. The plant root algae is green - we moved this tank for a house renovation and it’s coated in mulm. 

I’ve had cyano before and it definitely had a more blue tinge to it and looked more slimy. The big fake wood piece is out of the tank and has been cleaned. Don’t worry - I have plenty of beneficial bacteria in the hob and 2 sponge filters. 

I also lowered the intensity and hours of light. I use Easy Green, Easy Iron, Half dose of Easy Carbon (Val), and root tabs. 

Thanks for any advice. 




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Definitely not cyano, and unlike any algae I've ever seen (im kind of jealous). It almost looks like an invasive species of plant found in our local lakes during the summer.

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@EricksonAquatics thank you!! They’re not serpaes. They are red phantom tetras and are one of the best fish I’ve ever owned. All the beauty of serpaes with NONE of the grouchy fish drama. They are active and funny, and I’ve never seen them even interact with my other fish. They just hang out together in a peaceful little gang. 

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As i zoomed in and thought about it, it looked like Christmas Moss but covered in detritus! IMO, moss is harder to eradicate from your tank than duck weed. Maybe vacuum it, see if you can clean it up some. After that we might be able to get you a good ID. 

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