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Discus and bolivan rams

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On 8/20/2024 at 2:50 AM, Tony s said:

Actually, I’m thinking that’s over the range for Bolivian rams. They’re live in a much colder range than German rams. From 74 to 78. But I’d ask @Guppysnail  I believe she’s trying to get some to breed for her.

Yes mine have bred and continue breeding.  
I’ve never kept mine above 77-78 so I could not say for certain.  
Try slowly raising your temperature and watch for 2 weeks or so. If you notice signs of stress then it would not be a good idea. 
Fish are very adaptable.  Yes higher temps shorten the lifespan of cold blooded creatures but no one can say for certain if it’s a day or a year. 
My Celestial Pearl Danios were at 80 degrees for 3 months until I could get a tank set up for my German blue rams. They did ok but definitely ran themselves ragged.  They were not in top condition after. 

I think they would be just fine.  Watch for aggression though. In most dwarf cichlids I’ve dealt with higher temps up breeding urges for males. However it does not cause eggs to develop faster in females so the boys get overly amorous and then downright bully the girls. 

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I never kept bolivian rams, but gold rams make great discus tankmates.  Discus and rams at 82 works swimmingly.

Bolivians, I thought, liked significantly cooler water.  Most fish can take a really wide range, but they'll suffer much shorter lives and possibly other issues.

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