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Now I see it. When he turned his head a bit. Could be the start of a tumor or an abscess. Hopefully it’s benign and bacterial related. Lots of bettas getting weird tumors. Especially ones from big box pet stores. You could try a course of maracyn2 and see if that helps. Could try kanaplex, but usually not in a planted tank. Or at less that’s a warning on the label. 

let’s ask @Colu

But still, parameter numbers would be helpful. Ammonia, nitrite. Nitrate. Gh. Kh. Ph. If you can. 

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I qam doing a water change right now just in case that happens than if it’s go away then be okay if is not I’m going to get a quarantine tank and treat with aquarium salt does salt help with that

I don’t have maraycn 2 or kanaplex

Water change met help with the bump but if doesn’t go away then quarantine tank

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