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Betta stress stripes

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One of our Bettas has developed stress stripes. I first noticed it after rescaping one side of her tank. That was about a month ago, and she still has the stripes. I removed any stem plants that were growing on that side and made an Anubias island. I do regular water changes, and never let nitrates get above 30. The only other thing I can think of as a cause is that the Guppy fry survival rate from the latest batch is higher than usual. She shares a 20 long with White clouds, Corys, shrimp, and a few adult guppies. No aggression. She has plenty of cover with heavy planting and floaters on the right side of the tank. Should I move the 2 month old fry out? Forgot to mention that she's the only Betta in this tank. 


Edited by Scaperoot
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It could feel stressed from the amount of fish in its territory. I would recommend taking out the fry and just see what happens. Maybe do some water changes to get the Nitrates down, you say you keep it under 30 but anything over 20 is stressful for bettas. Ideal Nitrates are around 0-5ppm

Also, that is a beautiful koi betta! 😄

Edited by CoryWithAKatana
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76 degrees can kinda be pushin it, they like more of a 79-80 degree span.

On 8/15/2024 at 4:22 PM, CoryWithAKatana said:

It could feel stressed from the amount of fish in its territory. I would recommend taking out the fry and just see what happens. Maybe do some water changes to get the Nitrates down, you say you keep it under 30 but anything over 20 is stressful for bettas. Ideal Nitrates are around 0-5ppm

Also, that is a beautiful koi betta! 😄

I agree!

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On 8/15/2024 at 7:26 PM, Whitecloud09 said:

76 degrees can kinda be pushin it, they like more of a 79-80 degree span.

Agreed. I don't think the amount of other fish in a 20 long is an issue but 76F def is. 

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I would start by raising that temp and seeing if that changes anything. If she's otherwise acting normal, with no other signs of illness, I wouldn't be too concerned. Also, are the stripes always the exact same or do they come and go in intensity?

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