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Chloramines when hatching live baby brine

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Hi folks,

Still struggling with my brine shrimp hatching and getting poor yields.

It just occurred to me that maybe my water supplier is using more chloramines than usual.

In the past I've never had to use water conditioners and many people advise that chlorine actual helps with hatches and then obviously gasses off but could chloramines be a potential issue?

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Test your tap water. Eliminate potential threats one by one.

My fails turned out to be detergents... my beautiful wife washed my aquarium rags for me, fabric softener and all 😊

I just use brown paper towel if I need to wipe anything off but generally rinse and air dry...

2litre bottles now, 4 at a time (never had all 4 fail, 1 out of 4 once in a while) - the hatchery just sits there collecting dust, staring at me... mocking me 😄 Deservedly so

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On 8/2/2024 at 11:04 PM, T. Payne said:

My tap water has chloramines and I have never treated the water for hatching brine shrimp and I hatch daily.

Up until now I've always just used straight tap water but having run a couple of batches now with a squirt of dechlorinator I am seeing better hatches.

I'm thinking the water company have used extra chloramine to combat something in the source water.

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On 8/3/2024 at 4:56 AM, Sammy said:

Test your tap water. Eliminate potential threats one by one.

My fails turned out to be detergents... my beautiful wife washed my aquarium rags for me, fabric softener and all 😊

I just use brown paper towel if I need to wipe anything off but generally rinse and air dry...

2litre bottles now, 4 at a time (never had all 4 fail, 1 out of 4 once in a while) - the hatchery just sits there collecting dust, staring at me... mocking me 😄 Deservedly so

A squirt of dechlorinator has made quite a difference to the yield so I think I might have cracked it.

Cleaning for me just involves a cheap babies bottle brush and straight tap water so I cant see I'm introducing any contaminants there

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