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Tap safe dosing

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Hi there, first ever post here. 

I don't know if I'm being silly or not, can't find any answers on Google unless I'm wording it wrong. Anyways I'll Try and make sense.

Tap safe dosing. I'll use Prime as an example. If you go to Seachems website, it has dosing information. I assume its the same for everyone, wether if  your in the US, or in the UK. 

US chlorine level in  tap water - up to 4 milligrams per litre

UK chlorine level in tap water - up to 0.5  milligrams per litre.

It takes x amount of chemicals to neutralise chlorine and chloromine. 

So my question is, are some countries overdosing or underdosing tap safe?

 Can someone from the UK for example use less of a dose as recommended on the packaging than someone from the US.


Thank you and already looking forward for some answers.


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Greg Sage (Select Aquatics) used to use _no_ treatment, because he only changed something like 15% at a time.

I follow this rule with a 29-gal aquarium. No problems. Fish spawn happily. Fry grow healthy. If I do a 25%-50%, I dump in a capful of Prime.

Here’s the design. It employs Aquaponic filtration…




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Waw thanks for the info 😀 didnt know this. It is definitely something to consider. I live in Wales so tap water quality is pretty decent in most areas. I've heard a few saying they never use tap safe during water changes, no matter the amount. Something I wouldn't risk  personally but like your beautiful fish, i went to a breeders house and they had discus breeding in an aquarium without any tap safe at all. So unless they were talking bull, I'm right in saying that dosing differs depending where you are in the world? 

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People under or over dose pretty much every time they use it it’s not a big deal for example my city chlorine levels somewhere between one and five ppm it changes often it doesn’t matter really I mean, if I stopped being precise with how much water conditioner I use a long time ago lol

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The biggest risk with not dosing is if your municipality occasionally shocks the system to clean it up.  It happens fairly regularly in the south (to clarify, I’m talking the southern part of the USA) and makes our water come out of the tap smelling like a chlorine treated pool.  My water is coming out of the tap at 86-87’F right now.  That’s 30-ish’C, so likely more risk of bacteria growing and way too much agricultural run-off into the lake water sources, sadly, and that can serve as food for bacterial growth.  If your chlorine is at that low percent consistently, and you’re not doing huge water changes, then that small amount of chlorine is likely quickly inactivated by whatever organics are in the water.  A shock dose might be more problematic if present.

Edited by Odd Duck
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