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I think Bluey (three spot gourami) is having seizures


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Hi Community,

Ammonia: 0

Nitrite: 0

Nitrate: ~15-25

Ph: 7.5-7.8

Kh: ~60

Gh: ~250-350

Temp: 76

A few days ago I found Bluey on her side at the bottom of the tank around feeding time. So, I put here in a hospital net where she can rest and stay close to the surface and I can better observe her. During that time see recovered quickly and exhibited normal behavior. My working theory was that she ran into that wall out of excitement or alarm. So I left her in there and fatten her up. Today I tried to release her by picking her up in a net just to transfer her out of the hospital net. (the hospital net is a plastic perforated drawer to allow water to flow through). Only for her to suffer seizure and fell to the bottom. I documented and then recovered her into the hospital net where I resuscitated her (by using a syphon to blow water into her mouth) and assisted her to the surface to breath. 


She seams stable now and is able to bob to the surface for air and remain buoyant. So I am leaving her in there to rest up. Bluey usually gets excited when I come to the tank and likes to peck at my finger. I had her for three years as a rescue and they have an average life span of 5 years in the aquarium. Other than letting her rest up I am a little loss on what to do next. 

I she keeps having seizures that require my intervention, I need to consider quality of life. 😢


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If she swim into something in the tank could have suffered neurological damage  streptococcus infection can causes neurological symptoms are there any marks or visble damage to tissue that would suggest an injury@Stroy15


Edited by Colu
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On 7/28/2024 at 5:00 PM, Colu said:

If she swim into something in the tank could have suffered neurological damage  streptococcus infection can causes neurological symptoms are there any marks or visble damage to tissue that would suggest an injury@Stroy15


I not sure if there is streptococcus infection, there is no sigh that she has a bacterial infection. Here are some fresh photos. image.jpeg.584be8cf31f7cede086f3665810de0b3.jpegimage.jpeg.83d1f422e923728836e5e0373b8892d5.jpeg

Sorry they are not the best photos. Her face looks normal to me. Behavior wise, she is exhibiting normal behavior. The rest of her does not look like it has surface bacteria  Still likes to eat and nibble on my finger. She may have neurological damage that my have been caused or triggered by an injury. Or as a result or aging. Or both. Meanwhile she seams to be fine and stable at the moment. So, I guess I'll wait a couple days more for any changes. I have given Tim's first defense to help assist with healing.

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On 7/29/2024 at 2:23 AM, Stroy15 said:

I not sure if there is streptococcus infection, there is no sigh that she has a bacterial infection. Here are some fresh photos. image.jpeg.584be8cf31f7cede086f3665810de0b3.jpegimage.jpeg.83d1f422e923728836e5e0373b8892d5.jpeg

Sorry they are not the best photos. Her face looks normal to me. Behavior wise, she is exhibiting normal behavior. The rest of her does not look like it has surface bacteria  Still likes to eat and nibble on my finger. She may have neurological damage that my have been caused or triggered by an injury. Or as a result or aging. Or both. Meanwhile she seams to be fine and stable at the moment. So, I guess I'll wait a couple days more for any changes. I have given Tim's first defense to help assist with healing.

I think an impact more likely in this case I would just monitor if she still showing normal behaviour after a couple of days then I would release her back into the tank 

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Unfortunately, Bluey looks to have developed swim bladder issues and unable to be buoyant, she is constantly at the bottom of her hospital net, and it takes effort for her to swim to the surface to take a breath. At least she is only a few inches away from the surface, so it doesn't take too much effort for her to take a breath. This leaves her in an unreleasable state. Behavior wise she still eager to eat and looks for food inside of her container, still nibbles off my finger. Although sometimes I see her spin in circles with energy and then stop. I considered part of her normal behavior as when I come into the room see often gets excited and swim towards the glass. 

I could try giving an epsom salt bath, however I am afraid that may trigger another seizure, which can just as easily lead to her death.

I am still open to ideas, however I am trying to keep her comfortable, well feed, and waiting for further changes.


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How you got a quarantine tank you could use that way you could add a low dose of epsom salt 1 table spoon for 5 gallons and leave the epsom salt in 5 days and do a course of maracyn2 just in case there's a bacterial component @Stroy15

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On 8/1/2024 at 9:55 AM, Colu said:

How you got a quarantine tank you could use that way you could add a low dose of epsom salt 1 table spoon for 5 gallons and leave the epsom salt in 5 days and do a course of maracyn2 just in case there's a bacterial component @Stroy15

Sure I'll try that.

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Posted (edited)

Unfortunately, I have sad news to report, Bluey had died at some point in the morning or the afternoon because she had escaped her hospital net and squeezed herself into the decor. I is unclear if this is due to a seizure or panic of unknown cause or some other motivation. 😞 There was nothing unusual about her this morning when I fed her, and I have been training the filter for the hospital tank and ordered medicine. Either way the struggle has ended and I have buried her with Snakie underneath the mint plant. I had her for more than three years and I will miss her excitement when she saw me. 

Edited by Stroy15
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