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Fish unboxing tips??

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I’m receiving DansFish order tomorrow and nervous about how to deal with ten individual bags of chili rasboras. 
I will of course be temp acclimating but not sure all ten bags will float on my 10g set up. 
I guess I’ll be winging it but just wanted to “poll the audience “ for any super tips. 

I do have 2 AC catch cups . I asked Dan’s their water parameters. They only said their water is “very alkaline and hard.  “

My pH is 6.8-7 snd GH about 150.  Do  need to drip acclimate and how should I do that with all ten nanos!!!!

any help appreciated tonight. They arrive around noon tomorrow!!!

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On 7/22/2024 at 7:18 PM, Potterygal said:

I’m receiving DansFish order tomorrow and nervous about how to deal with ten individual bags of chili rasboras. 
I will of course be temp acclimating but not sure all ten bags will float on my 10g set up. 
I guess I’ll be winging it but just wanted to “poll the audience “ for any super tips. 

I do have 2 AC catch cups . I asked Dan’s their water parameters. They only said their water is “very alkaline and hard.  “

My pH is 6.8-7 snd GH about 150.  Do  need to drip acclimate and how should I do that with all ten nanos!!!!

any help appreciated tonight. They arrive around noon tomorrow!!!

I got my order from Dan's and ran into some issues, but this would be my advice....

1.  Move the box into the house, out of the heat into a dimly lit room.  If you need light to work and open things properly, do so.
2.  Dim the lights, let the box acclimate to light for 5-15 minutes.
3.  Float each bag in the tank for 15-20 minutes, tank lights off, acclimate to temperature. This is also a great opportunity to check the fish for any sort of damage due to shipping, stress, disease, etc.
4.  Take each bag and you'll want to cut the corner and pour the fish into a net.
5.  Take the fish and them move that into your tank, preferably a quarantine tank.
6.  (optionally) Add an airstone and dechlorinator to the tank.  If you have it, also add a little beneficial bacteria due to increasing the bioload.

It takes fish sometimes weeks/months to properly acclimate to new water parameters.  It isn't something that can be done completely in an hour or over several hours.  This is why people often plop+drop the fish.


On 7/22/2024 at 7:18 PM, Potterygal said:

My pH is 6.8-7 snd GH about 150.

Rasbora will love this.  Just make sure you give them decent circulation/air... they love oxygenation.

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I don’t have experience with chili’s (although they are #1 on my bucket list) but the advice given above sounds solid.

Another method I’ve seen people use is to pour all of the fish (including the water from their bags) into a catch cup. Since you have two it may be easiest to split 5 chilis into each container. Then you just add a little water from the tank they're going in into the catch cup. Wait 15-20 min and add a little more. Then repeat until there are equal amounts of bag water and new tank water. It’s basically a simple version of drip acclimating (which I have sometimes heard can end badly but I’m unsure what to think).

If I was receiving chilis today that’s probably what I would do. But I have heard fabulous things about Dans so I would expect your chilis to be fat and healthy!

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On 7/22/2024 at 10:05 PM, EricksonAquatics said:

Another method I’ve seen people use is to pour all of the fish (including the water from their bags) into a catch cup. Since you have two it may be easiest to split 5 chilis into each container. Then you just add a little water from the tank they're going in into the catch cup. Wait 15-20 min and add a little more. Then repeat until there are equal amounts of bag water and new tank water. It’s basically a simple version of drip acclimating (which I have sometimes heard can end badly but I’m unsure what to think).

Correct, the only difference here if you keep them in the water they are in is that you want to add air + 1-2 drops of dechlorinator into the water to immediately remove ammonia.  The dechlor will remove oxygen from the water, so adding air makes it safer for the fish while you drip or acclimate them.  This technique above is one you can see from top shrimp sites as well as recommended for very sensitive species.

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On 7/22/2024 at 11:58 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

It takes fish sometimes weeks/months to properly acclimate to new water parameters.  It isn't something that can be done completely in an hour or over several hours.  This is why people often plop+drop the fish.

Great info/ experience tips from all- I thank you., video also helpful you shared . 
I think I’ll do the temp acclimation, and then plop/drop method . I don’t have a cycled quarantine tank and it is single species tank. Well , besides 6 Amanos, and one older LFS ghost shrimp that added an adorable baby unexpectedly. 

Hopefully I can post the happy housewarming later today/ tomorrow. I’m not brand new to fish keeping but in the past year have had many new experiences to learn from.  Thank you forum!

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On 7/23/2024 at 1:05 AM, EricksonAquatics said:

Then you just add a little water from the tank they're going in into the catch cup. Wait 15-20 min and add a little more. Then repeat until there are equal amounts of bag water and new tank water. It’s

Would I need to hang cups inside tank to accomplish temp acclimation or is just adding amts of tank water to cup accomplishing that at same time? 

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Tank is heated 78.6.  I now plan to float the bags and then cut bags into big bucket one by one thru net and put each chili into tank. Last pm I did a 25% water change, cleaned the sponge filter ( in the pumped out tank water) and did some gravel vac. ) my 1/4” baby shrimplet survived all that I see this morning!

the thing I’m concerned about most is the difference in my pH 6.8 and dans fish water they said is very alkaline. Time will tell I suppose. 


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I would hang them outside the tank. I suppose you could do it inside the tank as well but I think adding water from the tank will help them come to temperature anwyays. Keep us posted on how this goes! Hoping for 10 fat and sassy little chilis🤞

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On 7/23/2024 at 1:49 PM, EricksonAquatics said:

Keep us posted on how this goes! Hoping for 10 fat and sassy little chilis🤞

Successful update! I did the temp acclimation, then snipped each bag one by one and added to the new home. Few hours later things going well! I just turned on lights to take pic but will let them rest in shade for awhile more. 
Thanks to all who assisted !!





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On 7/23/2024 at 3:48 AM, Potterygal said:

Would I need to hang cups inside tank to accomplish temp acclimation or is just adding amts of tank water to cup accomplishing that at same time? 

Mark's shrimp tanks has videos showing this method. You don't need to float the containers in the tank.




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