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Mystery Snails V.S. Nerite Snails

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I am looking to add a snail to my 20H tank. I have had nerite snails in the past as they have not lived more than 2 weeks in this tank (they were from PetSmart and likely dying before I bought them). While the nerites were great cleaners…I have been looking into mystery snails as they seem like entertaining creatures. I have heard mixed reviews about their algae eating abilities as I am looking for something to eat algae off of my Anubias plants, substrate, glass, etc. I do not want any snails that reproduce like crazy (I would only get one mystery snail for that matter).

Do they eat much algae?

Should I get a nerite and a mystery snail?

Are there certain nerite snails that eat more algae or live longer than others?

Thanks for your input!

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I think it’s personal preference. Nerites are a bit better at cleaning. My mystery snails do a decent job. With the added bonus that sometimes they’re just plain goofy. Taking rides on floating plants. Glass surfing. Climbing up then floating down. I have them in all my tanks but one. And my 75g had upwards of 35 at one point.

They usually won’t bother live plant material either. Same as nerites

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I believe nerites to outcompete mystery’s in the algae eating department. Mystery’s are more interested in dead plant leaves and leftover food from other fish. But they also get bigger and seem to have more personality compared to the nerites. Just depends on what is most important to you in a snail, lolz.

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I vote Nerites, nerites do not reproduce in freshwater, they cannot. Only in brackish water. Also a good algae eater and they have some great personalities

On 7/22/2024 at 8:58 PM, fishdogs said:


Are there certain nerite snails that eat more algae or live longer than others?

. Mine eats algae off my anubias too!! No it is just that you sometimes might not get a healthy one, and sometimes you will at PetSmart, mine is from PetSmart and he is very healthy. Add crushed coral if your water is soft. I would personally order online.

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