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Damage from another fish or other issue?


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I have one male platy that is getting a bit annoying with a couple of the females.. I can’t tell if this male got in the way and his tail got nipped or if it’s a sign of disease?

water parameters all normal 

0 ammonia

0 nitrite 

<20 nitrate 

7.0/7.5 ph

temp 76F

behavior and appetite also all seem normal 



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The spot looks maybe a little bigger now. 


parameters still the same. no new spots. eating and acting normal. is there anything I can do to help treat/heal the fin without risking unneeded medication for the fish itself or the rest of the tankmates? 


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Possibly add in Catapa leaves until the water turns dark tea colored. Tannins should help prevent infection. Possibly a good spot for something like pimafix. Supposed to prevent or treat fungal or bacterial infection. All natural. No real meds in there. Wouldn’t use it except maybe in a preventative measure. Like this. 

Edited by Tony s
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On 7/27/2024 at 7:20 AM, Tony s said:

Possibly add in Catalan leaves until the water turns dark tea colored. Tannins should help prevent infection. Possibly a good spot for something like pimafix. Supposed to prevent or treat fungal or bacterial infection. All natural. No real meds in there. Wouldn’t use it except maybe in a preventative measure. Like this. 

Kanaplex can work to I believe. It is for fungal, and bacterial infections. 

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On 7/27/2024 at 8:43 AM, Whitecloud09 said:

Kanaplex can work to I believe. It is for fungal, and bacterial infections

Yes. Kanaplex works great for active infections. Not sure if it’s an infection yet. @Newbie-ishfish if it continues to get worse, you may need it. It could be a mild case of fin rot. Just no snails or shrimp or plants if you use it. 

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On 7/27/2024 at 10:22 AM, KoiAngels said:

they could try using methyelene blue

I’d use that in a quarantine tank. It has a tendency to stain the inside of the tank. Especially the silicone 😀

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