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Hello, I'm new to the forum from Maine

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Hello from Maine,

Would LOVE to meet fellow Co-Op and fish enthusiast from Maine as well.  Doesn't seem to be many around but I'm sure that is more a lack of a local Aquarium Club and just Maine population being spread out in general and you are all likely around !  I have followed Corey and the Co-Op as well as Girl Talks Fish Irene, Zenzo and Randy all for many years now but have always just kinda hid in the background.  I'm a big fan of the Co-Op products and cannot scream loud enough about how amazing the Brine Shrimp eggs are.  I currently have a small fish room with about 12 tanks ranging from 75 gallons to 40 breeder and numerous 20l, 10 and 5 gallons tanks.  I am a Betta enthusiast as well as a huge fan of Corydoras of all kinds, loaches of all kinds etc.  I am currently breeding Corydoras Aeneus, Paleatus and Panda Corys.  Pandas and pygmys are by FAR my favorites. Also have a decent colony of blue Neocaradinia shrimp.   Anyway, hello and thanks for reading !  - Keith - Beech Hill Aquatics ! 



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