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Mystery Snail Eggs Not Progressing

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Hi all! 

I am a new-ish freshwater aquarium owner. I have found that I love mystery snails, decided to get two of them and recently my female snail laid two clutches of eggs about a week apart. 🥚

I am trying to hatch the eggs, but they don't seem to be progressing.

First clutch was laid 6/30 and second clutch (much smaller) was laid 7/6.

Both appeared to be fertile clutches just based on some google searching. Neither seem to have progressed though, I know it could be early for the second clutch. Everything I've read says that by week 2, there should be some definitive changes.

I have both in a tupperware container that is layered with damp paper towel and then dry paper towel, floating in my freshwater tank that averages 75-77 degrees. Humidity is good, the eggs are never wet, but the tupperware lid does have condensation that I wipe off twice a day. I didn't have a lid on the eggs initially but then I thought maybe there wasn't enough humidity for them. 

My question is: when do I give up and decide that they're not going to hatch? The first clutch had promise and was darkening, but now it doesn't seem to have changed in the last week and a half- it's not moldy or disintegrating, but some of the eggs when touched with paper towel, seem to pull out a jelly like substance. Has anyone had this- where the eggs seem to be fertilized but then don't end up hatching even with the proper conditions? 

Thanks for any and all advice!!

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It can take up to 28 days for hatch. Mine are usually 21-24. I never see a difference until the last few days. Also girls will lay eggs even if they are got fertile. Did you see mating to be sure one iS a boy?

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On 7/13/2024 at 5:50 PM, Guppysnail said:

It can take up to 28 days for hatch. Mine are usually 21-24. I never see a difference until the last few days. Also girls will lay eggs even if they are got fertile. Did you see mating to be sure one iS a boy?

I saw mating almost daily for like a month. I didn’t realize what was happening until I pulled the top snail off and saw his male parts shrink back in 😬. 

I know that they can lay eggs that aren’t fertile- but these aren’t showing those typical signs (ie. Molding, bad smell, staining the paper towel red/pink, etc). Is there something else I should be looking for? 👀

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On 7/13/2024 at 6:04 PM, AquariumNoob said:

I saw mating almost daily for like a month. I didn’t realize what was happening until I pulled the top snail off and saw his male parts shrink back in 😬. 

I know that they can lay eggs that aren’t fertile- but these aren’t showing those typical signs (ie. Molding, bad smell, staining the paper towel red/pink, etc). Is there something else I should be looking for? 👀

Time. That’s all. It may take several tries increasing/decreasing humidity and temperature but it will happen. I promise. Nature finds a way 🤗

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On 7/13/2024 at 7:03 PM, Guppysnail said:

Time. That’s all. It may take several tries increasing/decreasing humidity and temperature but it will happen. I promise. Nature finds a way 🤗

Thank you!!! I will just wait and see 🙂

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