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New discus tank

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Ive wanted to keep discus forever and I am lookiing to set up a new planted 75 tank for them. Im looking for some help with a checklist of things I should do before getting the discus themselves. I am needing to set my tap water since I havent kept freshwater fish in sometime and have been focused on saltwater. Would it be best to use the RODI water for the discus as well ? And then what other things should I look for ? Like starting with some rummy nose and corys to get the tank going ? Just an help with starting a discus tank would be helpful 

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I’ve never kept discus, but I can tell you that RO isn't a requirement. If you won the discus lottery and have soft water at the tap then you should be good. However, if you’re like 90% of the USA, and your water is hard, then RO is a good starting place.

Allow me to give you a freshwater keepers perspective on how I would tackle discus. First, I’d set up the aquarium and get all my water parameters in check. Get everything cycled and balanced. These aren’t going to be cheap fish so I’d take extra precaution before even considering spending any money on fish. I would allow the tank to sit for a couple of months. Allow the plants to grow. I’d add a school of a minimum dozen rummy’s and a minimum dozen corydoras. After about 6 months of steady numbers and habituating myself with the freshwater side of things, plant care, etc. Then I’d start shopping for discus. I’d want all the decor and substrate to get a nice colony of beneficial bacteria throughout. If you already know all this then please disregard. I’d also stay away from wild caught discus as they will be much less forgiving. Good luck 

Edited by mynameisnobody
Realized I wasn’t talking to Ronald Reagan. 😎
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thank goodness I wasnt to far off. I was going to get the tank setup with just drift wood and substrate get it cycled and then add plants and add rummy nose first. Then after a month or two add the corys and then wait another 2 months to even think about getting like 3 discus. Max I would want is 5 or 6 

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That’s even better. Add all your hardscape and your plants. The plants will help your cycle along. I would also quarantine everything that goes into that 75. No need to medicate immediately, but I would definitely observe for a couple of weeks in a smaller aquarium. Be sure they eat, no sinking belly, no white stringy poop, same as you would with saltwater. I’m pretty sure if you were or are successful with saltwater then this shouldn’t be too difficult. Don’t be shy with the question, you have some brilliant nerds on this forum. 

Edited by mynameisnobody
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On 7/11/2024 at 3:11 PM, mynameisnobody said:

+1 here. Let the tank mature. Because Discus are a little more picky about their water parameters - get your water rock solid. 

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So did a test on a small fresh water tank I have set up just full of plants and my tap and my PH is in between 7.4 and 7.6 is this going to be high for disucs ? Or is it just bet keep it consistant and worry about Amoonia nitritie and nitrates ?

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On 7/12/2024 at 1:05 PM, notronaldreagan said:

my PH is in between 7.4 and 7.6 is this going to be high for disucs

It depends on the source of the discus. Germany has developed their strain in those exact waters. but for wild caught, way too hard. Even for some domestically raises here it could be borderline. If you can find the german strain, it could get much easier. Such beautiful fish though. I must admit they have me completely intimidated. the thing with them is they need absolutely pristine water. lots of water changes and almost no nitrates whatsoever 

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