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Copying a no filter tank

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I was wondering if it was possible to copy this video exactly and still have good results. I am planning to use this tank as a shrimp only tank with cherry shrimp. If i only use the plants used in this video (Java moss, monte carlo and floaters) would it still work ok? 



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I was just wondering because I read up that no filter tanks are not for beginners. I was also wondering if I could use tank water from my other tank for this tank. I’m planning to use a five gallon

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Here’s my no filter tank. 


After the trim today. 

As I started the trim today. 

In my opinion and experience, this no filter tank is just more finicky than all my other tanks. Any slight change I make I get green water. Literally a couple drops of fertilizer will turn to green water. 

This tank is about 2.5 years old at this point and is just a crazy Pearl Weed jungle. I water change it weekly just like all my other tanks, and this tank pearls more than any other tank I have including the ones I run co2 on. No filter tanks aren’t that much harder in my opinion, they’re just different. I also waited until I was about 2 years in with 12 other tanks and understood what I was doing before I attempted this tank. 

Personally, I wouldn’t take water from my other tanks and put it in this tank. Water doesn’t carry beneficial bacteria, so you’re not doing yourself any favors there. Water does carry nutrients, though, so for me personally I would just have excess nutrients that would cause algae and green water. 

Edited by AllFishNoBrakes
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so would doing this work? And would I need to add fertilizer or shrimp food. I think the shrimp will just eat the biofilm and algae but will that be enough? Also could I use tank water from my other tank for this?

And would I also need co2 for this?

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See above regarding water from other tanks. I can’t think of a reason why that would be beneficial. 

-Yes, no filter tanks can work. Can you personally pull it off? Idk, but it works for me

-I do not add fertilizer to mine 

-My tank gets fed baby brine shrimp daily, and Xtreme shrimpee sticks every other day for the Amano shrimp and snails

Edited by AllFishNoBrakes
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You can put a small plastic tray down that only covers a part of the floor-space of the tank, and build an undergravel filter with an airstone-powered uplift tube in it.  Then you do the rest with soil or whatever organic based substrate you are looking at.  This gives you added filtration (remember that an organic substrate IS a kind of filter, as are the plants that grow in it) with additional, active flow.  The flow is really good for the plants as well.  

Check out my journal for a more detailed description of how I did it, including drawings.  It definitely works, very well.  And my experience so far, at least with my tank, is that my system is extremely robust.  I can dump huge amounts of food in there and add a couple bags of fish and pour in living water full of algae, etc, etc, and the tank parameters barely wiggle.  Thats my tank, tho, which is 50 gallons, has a powerhead on the UGF, and heavily planted with well established plants.    

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On 7/11/2024 at 9:11 AM, Nikhil said:

k I was just wondering if the feeding would be different. I’m a perfectionist lol so I wanna make sure everything is alright.

I love how you want to start out great and make sure your fish (or shrimp in this case) survive and live healthy lives. I think it will work. But don’t forget any water changes, all tanks need those. Imo. 


On 7/11/2024 at 10:13 AM, mynameisnobody said:

@Nikhil I respect the effort. 



On 7/11/2024 at 9:00 AM, Nikhil said:

this is my second tank and I wanted to try something new

Nothing wrong with that. Have fun, and make sure to post results!

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On 7/11/2024 at 11:29 AM, JettsPapa said:

I have several tanks without filters.  The most important factor is to not stock heavily and have a lot of live plants.

Yeah live plants works like a filter in a few ways. They suck up some bad things like ammonia nitrite and they like nitrates so you want to provide those in fertilizer. Doesn’t kill all ammonia but can help. So a lot of good shrimp carpeting plants and stuff like that can help out in good ways, for your aquarium.

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On 7/11/2024 at 11:53 AM, Nikhil said:

Would Java moss and monte carlo 

Yes but depending on how fast stuff will grow as to how effective it will be.  Pearl weed is fast, my stem plants are fast Java moss is slower growing not sure how fast Monte Carlo will be.  I'm running a minimalist filter for the volume of water 2 co-op medium sponges lots of plants and mild biological load of fish.I still will use a internal filter for polishing water before company to knock solids out of the column.  

I know that doing new is always exciting and fun especially when we like learning.  How about reading up on some stuff, like the filter less systems and see how they present that you are cleaning the water.  There is Father fish, Walstead, and I can't think of the others.  But I know Father fish has YouTube, Walstead wrote tons of books and has done some presentations that I have seen on YouTube I think it was KG Tropicals channel they are in NC.  

Good luck 

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On 7/11/2024 at 11:53 AM, Nikhil said:

Would Java moss and monte carlo 

Yes. Java fern takes a while, but can be a good one. Monte Carlo is great, cause it can be a stem plant, or even a floater. Depends on what you like. Pearl weed lives up to its name, yeah grows like a weed, mine reached the top of the water in 2 weeks. But I absolutely LOVE it. Totally agree


On 7/11/2024 at 12:29 PM, Nikhil said:

Would just copying the video above exactly work or should I read up more?

Read some more things on it. And watch the vid. Java moss is gonna be the best plant for shrimp in the tank. They love it.

On 7/11/2024 at 12:18 PM, johnnyxxl said:

Yes but depending on how fast stuff will grow as to how effective it will be.  Pearl weed is fast, my stem plants are fast Java moss is slower growing not sure how fast Monte Carlo will be.  I'm running a minimalist filter for the volume of water 2 co-op medium sponges lots of plants and mild biological load of fish.I still will use a internal filter for polishing water before company to knock solids out of the column.  

I know that doing new is always exciting and fun especially when we like learning.  How about reading up on some stuff, like the filter less systems and see how they present that you are cleaning the water.  There is Father fish, Walstead, and I can't think of the others.  But I know Father fish has YouTube, Walstead wrote tons of books and has done some presentations that I have seen on YouTube I think it was KG Tropicals channel they are in NC.  

Good luck 

Totally agree, read up and watch up lol. Do your research especially on the no filter tank and plants for shrimp. Like @johnnyxxl said, good luck

Edited by Whitecloud09
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