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It will be alright...right?

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I am really coming here for some reasurance.  Today I noticed that some of my shrimp were swimming irradically and toward the top of the tank.  Everything else seemed okay but I watched for a while and finally decided to test the oxygen level.  It was below 8.  I have a back of the tank filer with two chambers.  I have a sponge in one chamber and bioballs in the other chamber.  Even on high it was not agitating the water enough.  I added a sponge filter.  In order to add the filter I had to move all the hardscape in my tank.  It stirred up a ton of muck, I could not see the back of the tank at one point.  I have Ramshorn snails, shrimp (Babies and adults) and Tetras plus Oto.  The fish are hiding, the snails are all congregated around food and the shrimp are mostly congrigated around food.   I  left both filters in to clear out the water and will have to clean the back filter tomorrow as I can see the water is starting to run brownish.    All of my parameters are solid so once the water clears and things settle down it should be okay.  Please tell me this will be okay.

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My guess is it will be fine. :classic_biggrin:  When I've disturbed things in a tank or little wine barrel pond, it's a mess for a little while until the filters clear it up. In my set ups, the shrimp and fish have always been ok when this happens. Hopeing for best! :classic_biggrin:

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On 6/29/2024 at 12:58 AM, Little Guys said:

I am really coming here for some reasurance.  Today I noticed that some of my shrimp were swimming irradically and toward the top of the tank.  Everything else seemed okay but I watched for a while and finally decided to test the oxygen level.  It was below 8.  I have a back of the tank filer with two chambers.  I have a sponge in one chamber and bioballs in the other chamber.  Even on high it was not agitating the water enough.  I added a sponge filter.  In order to add the filter I had to move all the hardscape in my tank.  It stirred up a ton of muck, I could not see the back of the tank at one point.  I have Ramshorn snails, shrimp (Babies and adults) and Tetras plus Oto.  The fish are hiding, the snails are all congregated around food and the shrimp are mostly congrigated around food.   I  left both filters in to clear out the water and will have to clean the back filter tomorrow as I can see the water is starting to run brownish.    All of my parameters are solid so once the water clears and things settle down it should be okay.  Please tell me this will be okay.

What size is the aquarium? 

How often do you do water changes?

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On 6/29/2024 at 8:52 AM, doktor zhivago said:

I didn't know you could test the oxygen level....

Yeah, I'm curious to know more about that part, myself.

You could always just do a water change, too. That clears out muck pretty fast. Though I guess you might not want to do a big water change if you're worried about parameter stability, with shrimp in the tank.

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Thank you everyone.  Everything appears to be alright today.  The tank has cleared up nicely and no one appears to have died in the efforts.  I now have a on the back filter and a sponge filter.  I will let those run for a few days and then test the water again.  I am thinking perhaps I have too much hardscape in my tank (7 gal) and the water agitation isn't able to get through the center of the tank.  Is that possible?  I am thinking of getting a 10 gal tank and moving to that tank.  I can use my 7 gal tank for just shrimp, love the blue ones.

In regard to testing the oxygen, you just get an O2 kit and follow the directions.  

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Glad to hear that everyone's alright!

On 6/29/2024 at 9:41 PM, Little Guys said:

I am thinking perhaps I have too much hardscape in my tank (7 gal) and the water agitation isn't able to get through the center of the tank.  Is that possible?

It could be. Sometimes hardscape is used intentionally to diffuse or baffle flow. Dead spots in the flow can also be a problem, for sure. If you like your hardscape layout, you might also experiment with redirecting your filter output, too.

On 6/29/2024 at 9:41 PM, Little Guys said:

In regard to testing the oxygen, you just get an O2 kit and follow the directions. 

I didn't know they existed! Thanks!

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