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Chili radboras dying

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5 chilis left out of 15 I got from LFS on a special order last Thursday - 5 days ago. Special I guess. 
I expected 2-3 might not make it but something bigger is happening I fear. The 5 Amano shrimp put in same day are thriving- they have “ found “ all but three carcasses which I retrieved. Been a sad week really. I’ve had a 4 yr Betta, my Nerite is going on 5years now which seems long from what I read on them. This is all in my original 5 gal Fluval.

This 10 gal I waited months to put it together and researched about possible livestock for it eventually. The cycling for over a month went well ( I had many questions on this forum).including ridding the tank of planaria brought in by a bought water lettuce( my error) .But these chili rasboras dying off has been a blow to confidence for sure. the LFS  refunded me for 3 but the $$ is not even a concern at this point. WHY is mt concern. WHY are the shrimp thriving ? 
I check water parameters at least once a day. Nitrite 0, Nitrate 0 ,GH 80 , KH on low side at 40, pH 6.8-7 , ammonia checked by test tube drop kit - always Zero. Of course no Chlorine.  Temp stable at 79. 

I’ve gone over most of this previously but now that I’m down to 5 out of 15 since 5 days ago  I’m  left wondering . They feed well right up to the time of death mostly.

signing off now.😔

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I'm really sorry to hear about your chilis. I haven't kept them yet myself but they're on my list, so I've been researching them, too. I was about to write that 79°F seems a little high, but on double-checking, I saw the ACO care guide give a range of 72-82°F; either way, I wouldn't think that would cause fatal problems that fast.

Do you have any pictures of them at any point? I know you said they showed no symptoms before dying; did they color up after acclimation or did they still have that pale look as they so often do in the LFS?

It's possible that it was just an unhealthy group from the start, or that something went wrong at the fish farm, or the wholesaler, or the shipping process at any point in between.

@Colu? Any ideas?

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Any rapid breathing hanging out near the surface lethargy flashing spitting food out loss of appetite sunken belly white stringy poop any redness to the body or white patches  that would indicate a bacterial infection@Potterygal

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They are so tiny with jerky movements I’ve had trouble examining these things definitively. Also they are not colored up so I do see some occas light sections but not sure if normal. I’m getting Cory’s trio tomorrow in UPS so I may treat regardless to try and rehabilitate any survivors. Hopefully the shrimp won’t mind and maybe it will save them too from a fate. 

One thing I thought odd was they kept swimming in the air stone bubbler- I thought CR s likes calmness ?????

thank you

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On 6/26/2024 at 7:09 PM, Potterygal said:

Hope ppl excuse a few typos- Radboras, liked etc.  🤪

What I would suggest is only do a preventive treatment of maracyn that's shrimp safe it's possible  there's a bacterial component to the deaths 

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