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UPDATE: Tank purchased

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Originally I was going to go for a 5 gallons or something for a nano stye tank-- but I ended up with one of those fluval flex 9 gallon tanks.

I've seen a lot of suggestions both here and online about 10G stocking ideas-- but I feel those were made with a standard ten gallon in mind.. the fluval flex is more cube shaped with a bow front so I a wondering how that affects stocking tips since there is less surface area. Thoughts?

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What do YOU want to stock it with? Giving us your thoughts or what you plan do is much easier to guide you or offer suggestions vs. just throwing out everything that could fit in a 9 gallon cube. 

I can tell you that I have a 6 gallon cube, and I have a Ramshorn Snails, 2 Amano Shrimp, and 8 Blue Axelrodi Rasboras in it. It’s also dirted, no filter, no fertilizer, and no co2. It has become a Pearl Weed jungle, and it’s a fun little tank. 



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Congrats on the tank! If you stick to nanofish I don't think the shape difference is going to make a huge difference. Maybe just don't get super swimmy fish like zebra danios, but honestly those would probably be just fine in there. 

I'd also like to hear what you are thinking. 

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On 6/22/2024 at 11:33 PM, AllFishNoBrakes said:

What do YOU want to stock it with? Giving us your thoughts or what you plan do is much easier to guide you or offer suggestions vs. just throwing out everything that could fit in a 9 gallon cube. 

I can tell you that I have a 6 gallon cube, and I have a Ramshorn Snails, 2 Amano Shrimp, and 8 Blue Axelrodi Rasboras in it. It’s also dirted, no filter, no fertilizer, and no co2. It has become a Pearl Weed jungle, and it’s a fun little tank. 



What type of floating plants is that? I love the long roots

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The tank dimensions are 34x33x33cm. It also has the sump area in the back. So it is not very different than a 5g tank really.  5.5g tank has the dimensions of 42x27x22cm approximately. 

Your tank is just taller but considering the sump area, provides less swimming depth and lenght. Most fish utilize the lenght and depth instead of height anyway.

I would not focus on 10g stocking and still consider 5g stocking options. Those 10g stocking options are commonly recommended for the common 10g dimensions and not exactly for the 10g water it holds alone

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On 6/23/2024 at 2:47 AM, Sandrock14 said:

What type of floating plants is that? I love the long roots

I don't know exactly what @AllFishNoBrakes has there, but they look like the red root floaters in Mrs. Goldfish's pea puffer tank:


The roots get longer there than in our other tanks. I suspect that, since the nitrates are on the low side, the plants are reaching for nutrients, but that's a little speculative on my part.

By the way, just because I love bragging about my wife, here they are from the top, flowering and berried (fruited?):


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On 6/23/2024 at 12:47 AM, Sandrock14 said:

What type of floating plants is that? I love the long roots

Salvinia. The roots grow super long in this tank. And then they die 😂. No fertilizer in this tank so they suck up the tiiiiiny amount of nitrates available. They do well for a few weeks, and then die off. 

@Rube_Goldfish Same story with red root floaters in this tank. They do well and turn suuuuuper red, and then they die. Also gotta mention that I love that you got yours (or, the lady got hers) to flower! I’ve always wanted to see that, but have yet to see it in person. One of those things that “floating plants are all super easy”, but I’ve yet to pull it off. 

Edited by AllFishNoBrakes
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@EVoyager31 I'm sorry, I think I accidentally hijacked your thread, and I definitely did not answer your question, so I'm sorry for that, too.

I'm trusting @Lennie's math and conclusion that this tank has, effectively, the space of a five gallon tank. The three classic stockings for that size tank, I think, are shrimp, a betta, and a group of small schooling/shoaling fish (or some combination of those), and the classics are classic for a reason! Small rasboras, clown killifish, endlers, and some of the smaller tetras would work. You could even do African dwarf frogs.

That said, @AllFishNoBrakes is right: what do you want? Where in your home will this tank be? What's something you've never done before?

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