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Sick Angelfish

CJs Aquatics

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Hey everybody, hoping someone can advise. One of my breeder angelfish has fallen ill. She seems to be seriously affected with something swim bladder related as she cannot control her swimming much whatsoever. I have been treating her for about a week with kana and polyguard, every 2 days kana, 3 days poly. I saw some initial improvement but her condition remains relatively unchanged. I do not believe this to be a random occurrence but rather an infection of some sort. It originated with a cloudy eye which at one point got so bad it appeared she had lost her eye altogether. The erratic swimming followed shortly after. The eye was not lost it is almost back to 100% normal again but the swimming issue remains, so whatever was infecting the eye perhaps caused a secondary infection if that info helps. Can anyone advise on what I can or should do differently, it’s hard bc I’m unaware of what the actual cause could be…thanks in advanced 


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On 6/10/2024 at 7:05 PM, CJs Aquatics said:

The eye was not lost it is almost back to 100% normal again but the swimming issue remains

The eye may be looking normal but may have lost its functionality. for the treatment we should ask the expert. @Colu 

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I will try to snap a picture and txt the params as soon as I get home from work today. I think it’s been 3 doses of Polyguard over the course of 9 days and 4 doses of kana. I could be slightly off on that, I made a note somewhere I’ll have to see if I can find it. Thanks 

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It's possible it injury it's eye when it couldn't swim properly due swim bladder What I would do is add epsom salt 1 table spoon for 3 gallons for 5 days and monitor as epsom salt acts as a muscle relaxant to help relieve pressure on the swim bladder I would hold off on treating again with kanaplex and Polyguard I would Also add some Indian almond leaves as they have antibacterial and antifungal properties you might have to add one leaf per gallon to get a beneficial effect then give an update after 5 days @CJs Aquatics

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Edit: opted to go straight into treatment as this poor fish has been battling this for a while, any possible relief I may give her is worth it… I’m adding 3 tablespoons + a pinch of epsom salt directly to her 10 gallon tank today and 10 leaves have been ordered for delivery tomorrow morning which will add as they arrive. I will update again no later than 6/16, perhaps intermittently until then as well… thank you so much 

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6/13 He appears to be a bit more active than usual but is still very significantly disoriented. He swims in full circles or whirls but he’s not laying down just flailing his fins as much. Still in rough shape. Going to feed a bit of krill flake as I’ve noticed weight loss over the course of this illness. I ruled out constipation as I witnessed a movement a few days ago. He will still attempt to eat. 

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6/14 the affected angelfish appears to be more active today in his attempts to swim, however still unsuccessful in the sense that the swimming is generally more of an upside down coast or a side glide, followed by the fish attempting to or appearing correct itself. 

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On 6/15/2024 at 1:38 AM, CJs Aquatics said:

Thank you @Tony s I’m trying everything I can hoping for success as well but I’ve ran into my share of swim bladder issues that haven’t had happy endings also. This fish is a fighter though that’s for sure…

I would up the level of epsom salt to 1 table spoon for 2 gallons for another three days I would also start treating with metroplex in food feeding a small amount twice a day for 14 days 


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On 6/15/2024 at 2:19 AM, CJs Aquatics said:

Ordering metro right now and I’ll do the math on the salt adjustment and update thank you @Colu

Hopefully she will start to turn around finger's crossed 

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On 6/15/2024 at 2:37 AM, CJs Aquatics said:

6/14 9:30pm added epsom salt raising the level to approx 1 tablespoon per 2 gallons 

Sorry late reply different time zone as you have added the epsom salt go ahead and start treating with metroplex as soon as you can if she  won't eat the medicated food dose the tank 

Edited by Colu
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6/18 today she is mostly floating on her side. She does not seem stressed she just seems either exhausted or at peace. When she try’s to swim it’s like she knows what she wants to do but her body or buoyancy won’t allow it and it immediately flips her to one side or another. Not so much upside down today but definitely on her side. Upon inspection since she is at the surface of the water I noticed what looks like a bit of a bulge near her abdomen. Resembles a bubble which is probably why she’s ballooning back to the surface anytime she try’s to swim. Perhaps infection or trapped gas idk what it is, I’ll try to get a picture.



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Sorry to say it's not looking good possible internal mass or badly damaged swim bladder could explain the symptoms your seeing also a bacterial infections of the swim bladder possible the fact your not seeing any improvement with epsom salt and metroplex is concerning you could add a quarter of packet of maracyn2 in with the metroplex in the medicated food the two provide a broad spectrum treatment when used together only use the maracyn2 for 7 days that the only thing I could suggest treatment wise if you get to point were you think she suffering then I would consider humanly euthanizing her with clove oil or you can get a product called koi sedate@CJs Aquatics



Edited by Colu
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Thank you @Colu, I don’t currently have maracyn 2 on hand but may be able to pick some up after I work tomorrow and will consider giving that a try. I appreciate you advising on this process I had hoped for a more pleasant outcome but honestly we did what we could. I’m not gonna completely give up on her yet but best guess is she probably doesn’t have long. 

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On 6/20/2024 at 12:32 AM, CJs Aquatics said:

Thank you @Colu, I don’t currently have maracyn 2 on hand but may be able to pick some up after I work tomorrow and will consider giving that a try. I appreciate you advising on this process I had hoped for a more pleasant outcome but honestly we did what we could. I’m not gonna completely give up on her yet but best guess is she probably doesn’t have long. 

It difficult one with swim bladder issues usually if they don't improve within 10 days the prognosis isn't good I have seen fish recover after a prolonged period of buoyancy issues 

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