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Does anyone keep a tank log?

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I have a 62 page Word file that contains nothing super scientific, mostly some basic observations: "the Nerites are laying eggs again".  It also records:

  • the arrival and passing of the various critters and plants.
  • changes that I make
  • behavioral observations of plants and animals
  • reference items  that I will forget unless I use them regularly
  • copies of some of my posts. 

I have 3 years of water parameters for each aquarium recorded on Excel.   This is more a mental exercise, and doesn't have any real value long term.

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I'd agree that a written log is probably more useful when trying to dial in a tank regarding ferts/lights/plant load (as i currently am) or someone running multiple different style set ups. 

In my case, the ability to match pics with the changes just helps confirm the rate of plant growth & the fact that my wisteria is still a sad mess. 😁

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My dream aquarium product is a probe that I can leave in the tank that would wirelessly send all those details to an app or database, for both tracking over time and instant snapshots.

I tell myself that it's because deciphering colors on tests strips and vials is just so frustrating, and that it's definitely not just laziness...

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On 6/20/2024 at 1:36 PM, Rube_Goldfish said:

My dream aquarium product is a probe that I can leave in the tank that would wirelessly send all those details to an app or database, for both tracking over time and instant snapshots.

Maybe AI will have a legitimate purpose after all.

On 6/20/2024 at 11:48 AM, Beach Cruiser said:

the fact that my wisteria is still a sad mess. 😁

My log says that Wisteria does better under brighter for longer hours🙄 Unfortunately, it doesn't tell me how bright is bright?

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On 6/20/2024 at 2:42 PM, Tanked said:

My log says that Wisteria does better under brighter for longer hours🙄 Unfortunately, it doesn't tell me how bright is bright?

I figured that might be the case. I'm covered on ferts & water quality, but I've been slowly ramping up my photo period & only have @ 40 par at the substrate. Going to try water sprite for a background filler instead. Which means the wisteria will probably take off immediately after! 😕

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On 6/20/2024 at 4:30 PM, Beach Cruiser said:

I figured that might be the case. I'm covered on ferts & water quality, but I've been slowly ramping up my photo period & only have @ 40 par at the substrate. Going to try water sprite for a background filler instead. Which means the wisteria will probably take off immediately after! 😕

I hope you're right.  I've been thinking about giving Water Sprite a second chance in my 29.  My first Water Sprite experience lasted six months. I replaced it with Wisteria, which grew poorly or was eaten. 3 years ago I planted the last rotting wisteria stub and a couple of the leaves in my 10 gallon project tank, and both took.   I had the same experience with PSO.  I picked wisteria because it was supposed to have lacy leaves like the Water Sprite.  The submerged leaves did not appear until the plant was about an inch below the surface.

Today, floating wisteria, and even some of the rooted plants are producing submerged leaves.  I'm going to reintroduce it to the 29 gal. planted tank along with some  WS,  in the hope that the ACO light might be able to make it grow there.  I'm still trying to figure out if the 16 hour photo period or the flashlight on top of the 10 gal. is responsible for success there.

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On 6/10/2024 at 2:55 PM, Beach Cruiser said:

By log, i mean a detailed written description of what you changed & when, measured plant growth, etc? 

I tend to lose track of how long it's been since what & actual growth rates.  I'll think something isn't having any effect and then realize it's only been 8 days. Maybe a log would help gauge the real success of changes better than my sketchy memory...

Anyone do this...& if so, what software do you like? Assuming you're all digital & such. 

Oh yes, detailed. I frequently access prior tank logs to review any current issues. 

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