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Fish resting at bottom of tank


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This morning I noticed that two of my platies were resting at the bottom of the tank. Appearance-wise, they seem fine. I don't see any injuries, white spots, or anything else on their bodies. Their colors look just as vibrant as ever. However, they appear to be lethargic. They've been moving a lot slower than usual, and they'll often just swim to the bottom and rest there.

As soon as I saw this, I immediately used some API General Cure on the whole tank. They perked up a little bit after I did this, but I still see them behaving the same way as mentioned above.

Also, the rest of my fish are behaving normally. Only the two that I mentioned have been acting strangely.


Here are the water parameters:

Nitrates = 25 ppm

Nitrites = 0 ppm

Ammonia = 0 ppm

pH = 8

GH = 300 ppm

KH = 300 ppm

Chlorine = 0 ppm

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Your water looks good so no worries there. How old are they. I have an all platy tank ( well with 1 bristlenose) and sometimes when they get old, that’s how they pass. They start resting and then they go. Unfortunately. Not something anyone likes. But does happen. If you want you could treat the tank with a maracyn2 to make sure it’s not bacteria. I’d add an air stone just to supplement the oxygen level. But other than that not sure you can do anything else. 

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On 6/10/2024 at 10:41 AM, Tony s said:

Your water looks good so no worries there. How old are they. I have an all platy tank ( well with 1 bristlenose) and sometimes when they get old, that’s how they pass. They start resting and then they go. Unfortunately. Not something anyone likes. But does happen. If you want you could treat the tank with a maracyn2 to make sure it’s not bacteria. I’d add an air stone just to supplement the oxygen level. But other than that not sure you can do anything else. 

One of the platies is only about 8 months old. The other one is about a year old. Surprisingly, the younger platy is the one in worse condition as of now. I'm keeping a close eye on them.

Is it okay to use Maracyn2 even though I already put API General Cure in the tank earlier today?

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I’d run out its course now. Then if they haven’t improved by then. Hopefully they do. You can run a course of maracyn2. General cure is more for parasitic infections. Maracyn2 is for bacterial infections I’d still add that air stone though and maybe a couple of catapa leaves. They also provide some protection from fungus and bacteria 

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On 6/10/2024 at 12:02 PM, Tony s said:

I’d run out its course now. Then if they haven’t improved by then. Hopefully they do. You can run a course of maracyn2. General cure is more for parasitic infections. Maracyn2 is for bacterial infections I’d still add that air stone though and maybe a couple of catapa leaves. They also provide some protection from fungus and bacteria 

Alright, I'll try it out. One of them seems to have recovered, but the other one still seems to be having issues.

On 6/10/2024 at 12:33 PM, Tanked said:

Check the water temperature.

The temperature is at 76 F

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Posted (edited)

Update: One of my fish has recovered. My smaller one is still in pretty bad shape.

Her colors are still vibrant, and her body and fins look normal. I don't understand why she's still sick while the older platy healed. Water parameters are the same as before. I'm not sure what else to do for her aside from the medications I've given...

It appears that she's losing her strength. She no longer reacts too much when I walk up to the tank

Edited by Sheargrub
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