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White spot on ranchu head

Tan Tran

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Ammonia 0

nitrite 0

nitrate 15

ph 7.5

gh and kh 120

A white spot appears on a head of my goldfish. Eating, swimming are normal. Can someone help me to identify what happing to the fish? Thank you!





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Could be an injury or have a bacterial component what I would do is add some Indian almond leaves as they have antibacterial and antifungal properties you might have to add one leaf per gallon to get  beneficial effect or you can catappa x it's a liquid extract of Indian almond leaves and dose that if you notice any Reddening were the white patch is or it gets bigger then I would do a course of kanaplex or maracyn2 which every one is more readily available @Tan Tran

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I just introduced 2 mystery snails to the tank. I just order india almond leafs like you recommended so do you think the white spikes are parasites or something? And can it be treated with the leafs or maracyns? I have aquarium salt and methylene blue for dipping method but not sure if I should use it to treat the fishes (I never tried it before). And should I separate those fish to a quarantine bucket and treat or I can treat them with maracyn in the tank? (I have snails and a bamboo shrimp so I am not sure if the medication is safe for them) @Colu

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On 5/30/2024 at 3:14 AM, Tan Tran said:

I just introduced 2 mystery snails to the tank. I just order india almond leafs like you recommended so do you think the white spikes are parasites or something? And can it be treated with the leafs or maracyns? I have aquarium salt and methylene blue for dipping method but not sure if I should use it to treat the fishes (I never tried it before). And should I separate those fish to a quarantine bucket and treat or I can treat them with maracyn in the tank? (I have snails and a bamboo shrimp so I am not sure if the medication is safe for them) @Colu

Maracyn safe to use with shrimp and snails I don't think you need to treat with a antibiotic treatment it could be parasite what I would do is get hold of prazipro it's shrimp and snails safe I would always recommend removing your snails if your going to treat I would do three full courses of prazipro so treat week 1 week 3 week 5 

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