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Need some stocking ideas...

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Posted (edited)

Hey everyone! So I currently have a 5 gallon tank full of algae (so much 3d and 2d algae) and it currently has 1 bronze Cory and a thriving dwarf aquarium lily. When I move my Cory to my 20 gallon with some buddies my 5 gallon will be left empty (except for the future shrimp) any recommendations  on for what to put in it? Plants or fish

Whitecloud09 if you inevitably say white cloud minnows how many? My LFS has some 24k gold cloud minnows

Edited by CoryWithAKatana
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I vote a pea puffer if you have the time to feed frozen every day!

If not, then I would put a little group of micro Rasboras like strawberry or chili Rasboras! Their bioload is tiny as long as you have a bunch of plants!

I don’t know what I would out white clouds in anything smaller than a 10g. Never kept them but that seems to be the general consensus. 🙂

If you want more of a “wet pet” then you could always go with a betta. They’re the best!

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Posted (edited)

My vote would be shrimp and snails. Maybe a betta. 

Small schools of dwarf Rasboras and the like can obviously work, but they’re much more difficult than a shrimp and snail tank in my personal opinion. 

Edited by AllFishNoBrakes
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5 gallon is basically unsuitable for any fish, except MAYBE a mellow betta if you make sure it is entertained, but then you wont have shrimp in it 🙂

Make a nice shrimp colony and add an interesting snail perhaps

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On 5/27/2024 at 11:02 PM, CoryWithAKatana said:

Hey everyone! So I currently have a 5 gallon tank full of algae (so much 3d and 2d algae) and it currently has 1 bronze Cory and a thriving dwarf aquarium lily. When I move my Cory to my 20 gallon with some buddies my 5 gallon will be left empty (except for the future shrimp) any recommendations  on for what to put in it? Plants or fish

Whitecloud09 if you inevitably say white cloud minnows how many? My LFS has some 24k gold cloud minnows

For minnows in a 5, 6 is going to be the best number, 7 is ok too, but 6 is the best amount of WCMMs. Not to much, and not little of them, give them a lot of coverage and a good diet and i believe this would be the best fish for a 5g. Shrimp and WCMMs can get along actually pretty good, so i think some cherry shrimp or any kind would be great @CoryWithAKatana! And the gold ones, man that would pop. I am jealous as i dont have any places local for gold minnows, but they are as easy to keep as normal white clouds. If you didnt have shrimp i would say snail but shrimp is prob a good choice for algae and such. (if u have one that eats algae that is) 

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On 5/28/2024 at 2:19 PM, Whitecloud09 said:

For minnows in a 5, 6 is going to be the best number, 7 is ok too, but 6 is the best amount of WCMMs. Not to much, and not little of them, give them a lot of coverage and a good diet and i believe this would be the best fish for a 5g. Shrimp and WCMMs can get along actually pretty good, so i think some cherry shrimp or any kind would be great @CoryWithAKatana! And the gold ones, man that would pop. I am jealous as i dont have any places local for gold minnows, but they are as easy to keep as normal white clouds. If you didnt have shrimp i would say snail but shrimp is prob a good choice for algae and such. (if u have one that eats algae that is) 


WCMM are 4-5 cm long fish. I see mine chase each other the full 110cm length of my tank. They are not some 2cm fish. You cant cram 6 4cm fish to a barely 40 cm long tank. That is prison cell size for such a large fish.

The gold strains have genetic issues, in the year and a half I have had the gold, I lost around 10 fish for no apparent reason, once in a month, in a span of see issue, in 5 days tops the fish is gone.  In the half a year I have the normal strain, I didnt lose a single one. Others have similar experience with the golds.

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On 5/28/2024 at 10:05 AM, beastie said:


WCMM are 4-5 cm long fish. I see mine chase each other the full 110cm length of my tank. They are not some 2cm fish. You cant cram 6 4cm fish to a barely 40 cm long tank. That is prison cell size for such a large fish.

The gold strains have genetic issues, in the year and a half I have had the gold, I lost around 10 fish for no apparent reason, once in a month, in a span of see issue, in 5 days tops the fish is gone.  In the half a year I have the normal strain, I didnt lose a single one. Others have similar experience with the golds.

Yes there is a lot of conflict of if a white cloud minnow should be in a 5g, I have heard some say that a 10g is not enough, but I think it can work, my WCMMs are in a 10g and are thriving, they chase yes but not that much. But I am not saying it is 100% fine for them to be in a 5g tank, but it can work if everything is done correctly. They are also the hardiest fish in the universe. But I gotta say this is IMO. I a, not trying to start something tho and I agree mostly @beastie. We all have are opinions. But overall shrimp is the best option, and if it’s shrimp only then you can get some cool looking ones, my favs are the cherry shrimp! 

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