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Leopard Bush fish with with spots


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Water parameters looks good. They are the same in both tanks. Story. I swapped some fish from one tank to the other. All the fish from tank A (the one where my sick fish is now) are all fine and happy in tank B ( where my now sick fish was originally) My Leopard fish, over the course of two days got very agitated then developed white spots and is now laying on the bottom of the tank. The plecos that were already in there also got white spots and one died this morning. Does anyone might know what this is? I move fish around often in my tanks and have never had this happen. Thank you. 



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On 5/27/2024 at 3:40 PM, Colu said:

Are the spots raised or flat that will dictate the treatment as it's on the eyes it could be epistylis@cuppicake

The spots look decently flatish, but he also has this white fluffy stuff on his fins and coming from his mouth when he "coughs" Im also seeing this weird looking stuff on some of my plants now, you can see it in the video. Ill add a video and picture. image.png.84bcaf97400b7a8534a7d26cf69c2e2f.pngimage.png.46f2612e17d98c068a5aee2bce6a3974.png


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I think there a couple of things going on over production of the slime coat that can be caused by costia and chilodonella and  possibly epistylis with the fact the spots are on the eyes and the size of the spot would lead me to suspect epistylis  epistylis feed's off gram negative bacteria on the slime coat of your fish and spreads more quickly at temperatures over 75 what I would do is dose the tank with ick X that contains formalin and malachite green that will treat costia childonelia and ich it will help treat epistylis when used maracyn2   feeding a small amount twice a day for 7 days and ick X to dose the tank if there not eating I would dose the tank with maracyn2 make sure get maracyn2 and not maracyn@cuppicake


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On 5/27/2024 at 5:27 PM, Colu said:

I think there a couple of things going on over production of the slime coat that can be caused by costia and chilodonella and  possibly epistylis with the fact the spots are on the eyes and the size of the spot would lead me to suspect epistylis  epistylis feed's off gram negative bacteria on the slime coat of your fish and spreads more quickly at temperatures over 75 what I would do is dose the tank with ick X that contains formalin and malachite green that will treat costia childonelia and ich it will help treat epistylis when used maracyn2   feeding a small amount twice a day for 7 days and ick X to dose the tank if there not eating I would dose the tank with maracyn2 make sure get maracyn2 and not maracyn@cuppicake


Thank you. He is not eating. I will dose the tank. I feel so bad, he keeps jumping out of the water and slamming his head on the lid 😞

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@ColuThank you for the help. I did a dose of Ich X yesterday because I thought thats what it was. This morning when I woke up he didnt look any better so I dosed with Maracyn and Paracleanse. I dont think he is going to make it, but I also have a female in there and one more pleco, so fingers crossed they will pull thru. Ive never experienced this, it sure runs them down very fast. I also turned the heater off and added a small amount of cooler water. Temp is about 76 atm. 


Edit: I only have regular Maracyn. Is KanaPlex and good in this situation? I also have that on hand. 

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On 5/28/2024 at 1:53 AM, cuppicake said:

@ColuThank you for the help. I did a dose of Ich X yesterday because I thought thats what it was. This morning when I woke up he didnt look any better so I dosed with Maracyn and Paracleanse. I dont think he is going to make it, but I also have a female in there and one more pleco, so fingers crossed they will pull thru. Ive never experienced this, it sure runs them down very fast. I also turned the heater off and added a small amount of cooler water. Temp is about 76 atm. 


Edit: I only have regular Maracyn. Is KanaPlex and good in this situation? I also have that on hand. 

Yes you can can use kanaplex only to dose the tank as it's not very effective in food as very little of the medication is adsorbed by the intestinal tract 

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@Colu Thank you. Another question, if you know the answer. What would cause this outbreak? The fish I moved from the tank where sick boy is are all fine. And he was fine before I moved him into this tank. It all manifested about 5 days after he was moved. And he also got my plecos that were already in the tank sick. I thought maybe stress from moving him, but that doesnt really explain the tankmates also getting ill. * on a sidenote, he has been moved a few times and has always been unbothered. 


Thx again 🙂

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On 5/28/2024 at 3:02 AM, cuppicake said:

@Colu Thank you. Another question, if you know the answer. What would cause this outbreak? The fish I moved from the tank where sick boy is are all fine. And he was fine before I moved him into this tank. It all manifested about 5 days after he was moved. And he also got my plecos that were already in the tank sick. I thought maybe stress from moving him, but that doesnt really explain the tankmates also getting ill. * on a sidenote, he has been moved a few times and has always been unbothered. 


Thx again 🙂

epistylis is present in most tanks feeds on bacteria in water column when you get a high bacterial count in your tank due a number of causes such as a  build up of organic waste due to over feeding tank being over stock inadequate filtration in frequent water changes that when  you can have outbreaks of epistylis 

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@Colu Good information, thank you. Theres only 4 fish in, 2 - 4in pleco and 2- leopard bush fish about 4in and 5in. A week ago there was the two pleco and 5 juvenile kribensis. Its (48 gallon) and I have two filters, a HOB and a sponge. I tend to feed every other day. Im wondering if it may be my snail population? Recently they have multiplied a bit. Thanks again for all your help. 

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On 5/28/2024 at 4:17 AM, cuppicake said:

@Colu Good information, thank you. Theres only 4 fish in, 2 - 4in pleco and 2- leopard bush fish about 4in and 5in. A week ago there was the two pleco and 5 juvenile kribensis. Its (48 gallon) and I have two filters, a HOB and a sponge. I tend to feed every other day. Im wondering if it may be my snail population? Recently they have multiplied a bit. Thanks again for all your help. 

Snail produce very little waste even when I have had a population explosion I haven't noticed any deterioration in water quality such 

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Posted (edited)

@ColuThats good to know! Ive never had an issue with snails either...  I have siphoned the top of sand in case theres something I am just not seeing, I did find a freeze dried krill wedged between some plants. Hopefully I got all the nasties out of there thats causing the explosion of illness. I still have two live fish...Im keeping my fingers crossed. 

EDIT: One pleco still hanging on.

EDIT: Reading thru the article you sent me. I think I might know why this happened. I recently rinsed out my HOB and also had mulm on my sand (which I did not siphon out when I did my filter...which I never have done in the 4 years the tank has been up, but I will from now on) on top of that, I did have some uneaten food I found stuck between some plants. I think the combo of all the things might be why it attacked my poor fishes. I appreciate the time you took out of you day to help educate me on this.

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