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Beginner fish keeper!

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Hello! I have begun my fishkeeping journey with Borkle, my koi plakat betta (male) in my 10 gallon long. The tank is stocked with a (healthy) amazon sword and (dying) java fern. Any ideas on more plants? I want to spoil my little guy. 


Also; once he goes (hopefully not in less than 2 years, he's very very healthy) do you recommend some rice fish (medaka) or a pea puffer? Pea puffer would be put with cherry shrimp.

Also (v.2); do you think I could get a 2 gallon glass bowl, unfiltered and unheated (my room is generally 72-80 degrees F) and stock with shrimp (only4-5)? or would this be unethical? If yes, could I do cherry shrimp? 


Thanks in advance!

Georgia and Borkle

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On 5/24/2024 at 7:58 AM, gmm said:

Hello! I have begun my fishkeeping journey with Borkle, my koi plakat betta (male) in my 10 gallon long. The tank is stocked with a (healthy) amazon sword and (dying) java fern. Any ideas on more plants? I want to spoil my little guy. 


Also; once he goes (hopefully not in less than 2 years, he's very very healthy) do you recommend some rice fish (medaka) or a pea puffer? Pea puffer would be put with cherry shrimp.

Also (v.2); do you think I could get a 2 gallon glass bowl, unfiltered and unheated (my room is generally 72-80 degrees F) and stock with shrimp (only4-5)? or would this be unethical? If yes, could I do cherry shrimp? 


Thanks in advance!

Georgia and Borkle

The pea puffer would probably nip the fins of Betta. 

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Sorry for the misunderstanding, I meant after the betta passed away. I don't like to think like that but I'd like to prepare with years of research like I did for Borkle.


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On 5/24/2024 at 8:17 AM, gmm said:

Sorry for the misunderstanding, I meant after the betta passed away. I don't like to think like that but I'd like to prepare with years of research like I did for Borkle.


I apologize for not thoroughly reading. 

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Posted (edited)

First off, welcome to the forum! Now, Plant suggestions, micro sword, a great easy carpeting plant that does not need root tabs. Pearl weed, gives coverage in the hight spots of the tank, and does not require root tabs, but for these two u need some easy green ferts. Anubias nana, or anubias nana petite, are great beginer plants, all u have to do is actually throw it in, and give it some nutrients every once and a while and it will do great. These are begginer plants, that you can find on ACs website (aquarium coop). Is your java fern in the substrate? If it is, that is why its rotting, as it is a rhizome plant, you can gel glue is to decor driftwood etc. Hope this helps!

On 5/24/2024 at 7:58 AM, gmm said:

Hello! I have begun my fishkeeping journey with Borkle, my koi plakat betta (male) in my 10 gallon long. The tank is stocked with a (healthy) amazon sword and (dying) java fern. Any ideas on more plants? I want to spoil my little guy. 


Also; once he goes (hopefully not in less than 2 years, he's very very healthy) do you recommend some rice fish (medaka) or a pea puffer? Pea puffer would be put with cherry shrimp.

Also (v.2); do you think I could get a 2 gallon glass bowl, unfiltered and unheated (my room is generally 72-80 degrees F) and stock with shrimp (only4-5)? or would this be unethical? If yes, could I do cherry shrimp? 


Thanks in advance!

Georgia and Borkle

Oh btw the shrimp 2g is a great idea IMO.

These are plants i have some experince with, there is also dwarf sag, moneywort, the crypt plants, and tons of other options!

Edited by Whitecloud09
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Awesome! @Whitecloud09 My java fern isn't submerged no, it's anchored between spider wood roots/branches but it sometimes gets loose during water changes. What glue do you recommend I anchor it with?  And yes, I'd love to have a shrimp tank.

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On 5/24/2024 at 10:35 AM, gmm said:

Awesome! @Whitecloud09 My java fern isn't submerged no, it's anchored between spider wood roots/branches but it sometimes gets loose during water changes. What glue do you recommend I anchor it with?  And yes, I'd love to have a shrimp tank.

The glue I reccomend is this, I use this for my anubias and Java fern plants, it’s gel glue, so it will not run underwater @gmm.


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