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How to get rid of gunk on hardscape and plants

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I have had brown gunk stuck to my plants and driftwood forever, I see people on the internet making tanks that have like 0 stuff the plants and hardscape, why is the happening and how can I fix it? I am using charcoal and a lot o it by the way to see if that helps, any tips would be greatly appreciated. 

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A picture would be very helpful. My guess is diatoms, which is something all tanks get. Snails, manual removal, and time are all your friends if it’s diatoms. 

The tanks you see that are flawless are either newly set up, lots of time is invested to make them perfect, or they are tanks that have been set up and balanced for years. 

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Diatoms is best guess here, all tanks go through this faze, ideally if it’s a newer cycled tank. I had one that it never went away and just got uglier and uglier. But if you scrub it off with your water changes you can usually get it under control. If it is diatom algae.

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