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Honey Gourami or Betta?

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I'm thinking about getting a centerpiece fish for my 20 long and currently, I have shrimp, CPD's, and neons in there. Do you guys think that a Honey Gourami or a Betta would be better? I know Bettas might eat the shrimp but also Honey gouramis I heard do best in pairs and im not sure if that might be too much stocking (I checked Aqadvisor the stocking is about 95% with 2 Honey Gouramis). Which one would you pick for a shrimp tank? Im completely fine with some baby shrimp loss. I would go with a betta but I heard they have mixed personalities and some eat shrimp and some dont.

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I say betta, if you get a female it should not harm them to much, but 95% stocking isn't too bad, just bigger changes per week. Honeys are sick but betta is just a classic pick and one of my favorite fishes I've kept.

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Posted (edited)

I have not seen any direct adult shrimp hunting behavior from my 11 bettas till today. But realising the population growth issues show us they do eat shrimplets. And being aware of the possibility is good to know. But I know my friend’s betta was a shrimp hunter, sadly

That being said, your neons and cpds will already eat many of those anyway.

So far, as long as I add the betta last to a tank, my success rate is %100. Even for those bettas that seemed community tank fails if other fish ( or in some cases any fish being added) after the betta. So I would always add betta last to a community tank, once I know there wont be any fish going in the same tank. Because I even witnessed one of my community tank females attacking a male triple red a.cacatuoides after adding him to the peaceful community tank. She has never had issues with any other fish before and the tank was overstocked, and she was added last.

about the betta personality part, it is still a good idea to have a potential second plan if you wanna try a community tank no matter what

My honey gourami, Agave, has always been alone as a honey gourami in the peaceful community tanks. Honeys are known to be super peaceful and my boy was also angelic. I did keep my gold gouramis and sparklings as trios, and found it somehow problematic. I know it is unlikely for honey gourami to be problematic like golds in groups fro example, but I am not sure if you even need a group anyway. I believe my boy had a great time, fulfilled his lifespan nicely and I lost him due to old age sadly

Edited by Lennie
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I agree with Lennie, it will depend on the personalities. Not all bettas are ferocious killers, but not all honey gouramis are super peaceful. If you get a betta, have a back-up plan! Your gouramis will also probably eat baby shrimp. I haven't owned shrimp, but in the past I've had a male betta that left ramshorn snails alone.

95 percent stocking also isn't too bad. If you want honey gouramis, I would just say throw in another sponge filter if you can to help compensate, but that isn't necessary if you keep up with the water changes. Also, what does your scape look like? Is it densely planted with lots of hiding spots & territory areas? While bettas will use up the whole tank they're likely to be a lot more peaceful with lots of vegetation and territory to claim. Honey gouramis also appreciate dense vegetation :] 

Again, I haven't had much experience with bettas and shrimp or bettas in a community tank - I've only kept my past bettas in their own tanks [with snails lol]. But I hope this helps a little! xD 

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On 5/14/2024 at 2:19 PM, clownbaby said:

I agree with Lennie, it will depend on the personalities. Not all bettas are ferocious killers, but not all honey gouramis are super peaceful. If you get a betta, have a back-up plan! Your gouramis will also probably eat baby shrimp. I haven't owned shrimp, but in the past I've had a male betta that left ramshorn snails alone.

95 percent stocking also isn't too bad. If you want honey gouramis, I would just say throw in another sponge filter if you can to help compensate, but that isn't necessary if you keep up with the water changes. Also, what does your scape look like? Is it densely planted with lots of hiding spots & territory areas? While bettas will use up the whole tank they're likely to be a lot more peaceful with lots of vegetation and territory to claim. Honey gouramis also appreciate dense vegetation :] 

Again, I haven't had much experience with bettas and shrimp or bettas in a community tank - I've only kept my past bettas in their own tanks [with snails lol]. But I hope this helps a little! xD 

Currently its a little bare but after im done with my plan then it will be heavily planted


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On 5/14/2024 at 1:23 PM, Shrimpee said:

Do you guys think that a Honey Gourami or a Betta would be better?

That is all personal preference. Bettas are way cool and colorful. but the honey's can be a bit more active. and the yellow really pops. Honey's can be in any amount you want. There is a member who was keeping 7 at once with no issues. I have 1 in a 10g. Shares it with some neons and a betta of all things. that's not recommended. but it works for them and i assume nobody else. and probably yes on adding the betta last. Mine are usually last in as bettas from petsmart/petco don't live that long. the one with the honey is the oldest we've had at 2 1/2 years. 

So, if it was me, I would actually do a trio of honey's. which would be fine. they're not fast swimmers so a trio in 20 would be okay. I wouldn't worry about the stocking levels, you probably wouldn't notice a small amount of extra work

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oh and for the bettas, I usually keep around 6 in various community tanks. Bettas are usually only aggressive to other bettas. depending on their personality. and if they already have a territory staked out. I'm still impressed with lennie's going after the cacatoides.

no ideas about shrimp, but i assume they both eat small ones

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On 5/14/2024 at 9:29 PM, Tony s said:

I'm still impressed with lennie's going after the cacatoides.

She was bold enough

Like I had a moliwe krib and that apisto together as well as angels. You would expect the aggression between these guys right? Especially given moliwes are not even from the same continent. Nope!


Bettas tend to not like fish that are colorful and closer to them in size I think. And although I had no issues in bigger tanks, I did have a female betta bullying my honey gourami in a small tank before. Not like extreme aggression or such, but picking on now and then when he swims too close to her. I am surprised it works well for you in a 10g. I even keep the same female betta, Alice, with endlers in such tank size peacefully and with an increasing population nonstop. But didn't really work well with honey gourami



Agave(RIP my angelic guy):


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On 5/14/2024 at 2:55 PM, Lennie said:

I am surprised it works well for you in a 10g.

I think he is now too old to actually care. he spends a lot of his time just resting

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I think it is totally preference. It does come down to the personality of the betta but I believe adding them last as Lennie said skyrockets your chances of it working out.

Bettas are often more colorful, but Honey Gouramis have a little more body to them so maybe a little more noticeable in a sea of green plants?🤷🏼‍♀️
And I think Honeys can do well alone or in a trio, not sure about a pair. You might get more enjoyment out of just one as a centerpiece if you aren’t planning to breed them, but that’s just me.

Best of luck 🙂

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On 5/14/2024 at 12:23 PM, Shrimpee said:

I'm thinking about getting a centerpiece fish for my 20 long and currently, I have shrimp, CPD's, and neons in there. Do you guys think that a Honey Gourami or a Betta would be better? I know Bettas might eat the shrimp but also Honey gouramis I heard do best in pairs and im not sure if that might be too much stocking (I checked Aqadvisor the stocking is about 95% with 2 Honey Gouramis). Which one would you pick for a shrimp tank? Im completely fine with some baby shrimp loss. I would go with a betta but I heard they have mixed personalities and some eat shrimp and some dont.

As beautiful as bettas are, I have found that they can be quite limiting as far as tank mates go. If at some point you change your mind and want to add more fish, the honey gourami would give you more options. I’d go with the honey gourami for their more easygoing temperament.

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On 5/14/2024 at 6:56 PM, Shrimpee said:

Would it still be considered a centerpiece fish even if i get 3 honey gouramis?

I would think so. or call it your centerpiece trio 🤣  They really would have a lot of impact on the tank. One by itself may get lost visually. with three you should at least see 1 of them all the time.

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My experience with a honey gourami in a community tank was good. They are more peaceful and a safer option if you are looking for a peaceful centerpiece fish. If you pick a betta, you are taking a gamble as it depends on the bettas personality. Honey gourami's may pick on shrimplets.

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