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Malaysian trumpets snails -- help!!!

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About a year ago, I brought home plants from a shop I was working at.

Well needless to say, I brought home some unwanted MTS.

Something to note - it is a 60 gallon aquarium. It has zero fish in it currently. It is fully planted. I have not fed the tank at all. There has been no fish in it for approximately six months. But the population of the MTS seems to be growing out of control.

Should I burn it down? Lol.

What I would LIKE to do is unplant, and turn into a Cichlid tank. But I am afraid that I will never be able to get rid of MTS!

Any helpful tips or tricks?

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I really don't have a solution for you other than to say that the snail traps I used were worthless.  I guess my suggestion would be to get a fish that eats snails but that might be hard to find one that can also live with cichlids.  You could get assassin snails but I found that I was just trading one pest for another when I did that.

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Buy NO-Planaria (Can get it off amazon). Does your tank, it will kill every snail in your tank. Since you don't have any fish, you can double the recommend dosage.


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Population control on MTS does not exactly work like any other in my experience. Having food options available indeed helps them to increase their population. But in any case, they increase their population no matter what.


My advice is; learn to love them. Accept them as a part of your tank. Otherwise, you cannot use anything from that tank again, because it will be never MTS free. These guys are everywhere. Only a single baby hitchhiking or surviving out of thousands is enough to come back after months.

Good thing is they are beneficial, and they dont really come out during daytime. They can be also good for some cichlids as some cichlids can be too aggressive to keep together with any clean up crew members

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