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So one of my guppies either has swim bladder or very early stages of dropsy. If it is dropsy, I want to have a treatment plan. I’m getting a qt tank in less than a week, so I’m gonna leave the fish until then to see if it gets any better, and if not I’ll start the treatment. First of all, will Interpet Anti Bacteria work for dropsy? I am in the UK so things like Kanaplex and Maracyn 2 aren’t available. https://amzn.eu/d/4Ysc5cL - This is the link for the interpet stuff. Secondly, I plan on adding salt along with the treatment, will this be fine? Another question I have is if I think he has dropsy but it is something else, the treatment won’t hurt the fish if it doesn’t have what I’m treating for right? Final question - I won’t really have any cycled media for the qt tank so how would I go about handling ammonia and nitrites levels in the tank without a cycle?

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I found a video, maybe it will help.

I'm not sure if the method will work as shown in the video, so do some more research before trying anything. Also, maybe try reaching out to some other fishkeepers on the forum. This is what @Colu said in another recent forum post about dropsy: 

Epsom salt or aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 2 gallons that will help reduce fluid buildup and metroplex in food feeding a small amount twice a day for upto 3 weeks

Based on this, it seems like your salt treatment might be a good idea. It's up to you, though. I recommend you look for advice from more experienced members of the forum.

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