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Detritus worm?


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Posted (edited)

I’ve noticed these little wriggly worm things living in my floating plant roots. They wriggle through the water when I knock the plants about. The white clouds like eating them when I do that. They camouflage very well in the roots otherwise. Detritus worm? 

I’m hoping they aren’t anything nefarious. They gross me out a bit. Especially when I reach my hand in and floating plants stick to my arm. I know they are there, too. Bleh. 



Edited by ricbennett3
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Posted (edited)
On 5/1/2024 at 10:57 PM, ricbennett3 said:

I’ve noticed these little wriggly worm things living in my floating plant roots. They wriggle through the water when I knock the plants about. The white clouds like eating them when I do that. They camouflage very well in the roots otherwise. Detritus worm? 

im hoping they are anything nefarious. They gross me out a bit. Especially when I reach my hand in and floating plants stick to my arm. I know they are there, too. Bleh. 



Yes looks like  a detritus worm. @ricbennett3

Edited by Tlindsey
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I've learned to not trust a worm ID to just anyone. People often think there's only detrius worms and panaria when in reality there's hundreds of things it could be. People tend to just say "no arrow head?  Just a detris worm."  In my opinion this looks like it could be something else but I do not have the expertise to ID. I call upon @Biotope Biologist for help!

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Thanks, I recognize there are many species it could be. I think the picture is also lacking in detail. They are quite small (maybe 2 cm at most). They wiggle, do not seem able to swim up, but make lateral movement in the water. The fish have eaten them. I don’t see any ill effects in fish, shrimp, or plants. They have been present many months at this point. I find it odd they are living in the roots of the floating plants, mostly the salvinia. 

im just hoping they are nothing harmful. I’m all for a variety of micro fauna. There are many things living in my tanks I know little about at that tiny level.

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Well it could be a number of things my guess is as good as anyone else’s without a microscope.


I would observe the situation more. If holes start appearing in the leaves of your plants or the roots start browning and losing fibers then you may have nematodes.


If that’s the case no-planaria will get rid of them or any other wormicide

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On 5/1/2024 at 10:57 PM, ricbennett3 said:

I’ve noticed these little wriggly worm things living in my floating plant roots. They wriggle through the water when I knock the plants about. The white clouds like eating them when I do that. They camouflage very well in the roots otherwise. Detritus worm? 

I’m hoping they aren’t anything nefarious. They gross me out a bit. Especially when I reach my hand in and floating plants stick to my arm. I know they are there, too. Bleh. 



First off, Great tank! I love the choice of plants. Im guessing its a detritus worm

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