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How to improve the looks of my 15 gal?


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I have a 15 gallon tank with 5 red phantom tetras, 4 fancy guppies, 4 snails and planning to add some shrimp soon. I also have a small piece of driftwood, a rock and about 5 plants. 

I'm trying to improve the scaping to make it look even better. Are there any suggestions for me to consider. I have attached a photo of my aquarium below.


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On top of what @Shrimp Doggy Dogg said (excellent name, by the way) I would suggest additional hardscape, and more plants. Short plants to the front, medium tall plants in the middle, tall plants in the back. Doing so will create depth. 

There are many many different aquascaping techniques. Maybe look into some of those and try to replicate them. 

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Pogostemon Stellatus 'Octopus' plants in back will fill out fairly quickly.  Mine transitioned from emerged growth to submerged growth pattern fairly quickly.  And grew pretty fast.  Or you might prefer a plant that won't spread that much. 

Have you thought about a plant that sends out runners, so it would spread across the floor quickly?  Like Vallisneria!

I love my crypt forest and they are easy plants, just grow slowly.  I'm adding a pic of my pogo and crypts and you can see the look.  😃

I hope others will chime in.  Your tank has much potential.


On 4/27/2024 at 1:18 PM, Flipper said:

Pogostemon Stellatus 'Octopus' plants in back will fill out fairly quickly.  Mine transitioned from emerged growth to submerged growth pattern fairly quickly.  And grew pretty fast.  Or you might prefer a plant that won't spread that much. 

Have you thought about a plant that sends out runners, so it would spread across the floor quickly?  Like Vallisneria!

I love my crypt forest and they are easy plants, just grow slowly.  I'm adding a pic of my pogo and crypts and you can see the look.  😃

I hope others will chime in.  Your tank has much potential.


Also, Mopani wood piece.

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