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Finally Bolivian Ram breeding success

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Very strange. On the up side my pair so far are being fabulous parents. The kids are trying for fully free swimming this morning. 
A few days ago another “pair” formed. Massive amount of eggs easily double what my first pair laid.  I did not get to see them lay but I saw them what I’m guessing was shortly after.  Their breeding tubes were still out. I swear they both looked like female breeding tubes!!!

Within a day and a half every egg turned white meaning infertile. They guarded them for another day then ate all but 5 white infertile ones they are still guarding. They dug holes but no fry to move to the holes. 

So both girls formed a “pair ” and both laid eggs together on one rock in one unified clutch. Both guarded.  

The last two br are smaller still and show no maturity signs so either they are girls also or just to immature to be a viable mate.

Im anxious to see how it goes when the first fry go free swimming.  BR based on what I’m seeing definitely seem like community breeding fish to me and maybe that’s why they change partners often based on what I read of others accounts. Very interesting  





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2 Bolivians paired and laid these. 2 are not mature yet and 2 more FEMALES paired and laid eggs together on a rock. Weirdest thing ever. All eggs infertile of course. I guess it was the best way they could think to rid themselves of roe. 

The two females guarding the infertile double clutch 


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Two females spawning is interesting.  I wonder if there are circumstances in which a male would be part of that equation if he'd have been available.  Biologically the male wouldn't mind an additional female as his genetics are going in either circumstance.  But if a male is in the mix, the females have to be concerned that their fry would be competing with the (now) rival female.  Interesting dynamics.  Like you say, perhaps is the best way to get rid of their eggs.  

Do you have pictures of the male?

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I only have 1 I know is a male. He bred with the first female. Once the breeding tubes retract I cannot tell them apart again. The original post video is the only one I took. The other two are immature yet. Now they are back to their happy group dynamics and I can’t tell any of them apart make/female. 

I originally took some fry but by day 3 I noticed the fry pile dwindling and parents not so diligent so I siphoned out more and left only a few. They got eaten. 

On 5/1/2024 at 1:02 PM, jwcarlson said:

Two females spawning is interesting.  I wonder if there are circumstances in which a male would be part of that equation if he'd have been available.  Biologically the male wouldn't mind an additional female as his genetics are going in either circumstance.  But if a male is in the mix, the females have to be concerned that their fry would be competing with the (now) rival female.  Interesting dynamics.  Like you say, perhaps is the best way to get rid of their eggs.  

Do you have pictures of the male?


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