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You can always add a few assassin snails to the tank to keep their population under control.

But if you are the type of person that NEVER wants a snail in their tank....Buy the following and medicate your tank with it. It won't kill shrimp, but does a number on snails.



Edited by Dacotua
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I stick a celery stalk on a fork and put it in the bottom of the tank.  In a few hours it’s full of snails.  Doesn’t eradicate em, but helps.  They will finish the celery in 4 days. Precocious likes it, too. 

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I stick a celery stalk on a fork and put it in the bottom of the tank.  In a few hours it’s full of snails.  Doesn’t eradicate em, but helps.  They will finish the celery in 4 days. Plecos like it, too. 

Edited by SoDaksam
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On 4/18/2024 at 9:34 PM, TJ _isme said:

Thanks, do you know of any fish that will gobble up the snails?

Goldfish or Loaches love snails. HOWEVER these both require a larger tank.

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On 4/18/2024 at 7:34 PM, TJ _isme said:

do you know of any fish that will gobble up the snails?

In my experience, *all* fish will eat snails. Some just might need a little assistance from you 👆(<—- snail meal preparation device)

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On 4/20/2024 at 1:08 PM, PluckyD said:

In my experience, *all* fish will eat snails. Some just might need a little assistance from you 👆(<—- snail meal preparation device)

How do I make snails into fish food?

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On 4/20/2024 at 11:24 AM, TJ _isme said:

How do I make snails into fish food?

For pond snails and the mini ramshorns, I just squish them against the glass with my finger. For my discus, I just do a quick squish and he gobbles up the whole thing. For little fish, I like to squish them thoroughly so their shell bits are very fine and can be consumed by fish or shrimp. Generally, I only have too many snails if I've been feeding too heavily, so I will squish a bunch in place of feeding for a few meals. This usually happens when I haven't yet established a strong shrimp colony in the tank, Frankly, the snails are helpful to have during that time to eat the excess food. At some point though, I start squishing the snails for the shrimp to shift the population from the former to the latter.

I think it's also a good way to know if your calcium levels in the tank are depleting. When they are too low, the snail shells with be very soft, but when they are high, the shells can be very hard, in which case, be extra careful so as not to cut yourself. Never squish a shell from the opening side because that can cut your finger. 

If I were to try with the larger sized ramshorns, I would personally try a plastic spoon or something to protect my finger, but honestly, I like those little guys and have never tried to squish one.

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On 4/19/2024 at 6:36 PM, Dacotua said:

Goldfish or Loaches love snails. HOWEVER these both require a larger tank.

Kulhi loaches don't need a large tank.  I used to keep them in a 20 long, maybe even the 10 with the guppies 

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On 4/20/2024 at 1:24 PM, TJ _isme said:

How do I make snails into fish food?

Like I said, if you want them all dead, buy some NO-Planaria and medicate your tank. It will kill every snail in the tank. Wait two weeks, then do it again. (To make sure you get them as snail eggs will hatch and a new colony will appear).


Myself, I just accept the snails. I did put a few Assassin Snails in the tank to keep the snail population under control (I have a sand substrate so the Assassin snails bury themselves during the day and come out at night).



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