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Just got a fancy goldfish... and need help saving them!


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Hi yall, I just got this fancy goldfish and introduced them to a new 20 gal tank. At the store I bought them from they looked fine, but after a day in my tank, they've developed this white film on them. In the tank next to the one I got my fish from, there were a lot of Popeye goldfish covered in white, what I think what could be ich, and dying. I think what my fish has is some bacterial or fungal infection, but I'm not sure exactly what. I cycled my tank for a few days with Prime and Stability, and parameters look good. 0 ppm ammonia, 0 ppm nitrite and no more than 20 ppm nitrate, 150 ppm hardness (I live in an area where the water is very hard), 0 ppm chlorine, 40 ppm akalinity and 6.8 to 7.0 ph, and temperature of 70. The fish was swimming around day 1, but today has been sitting at the bottom of the tank in the corner.

Any help, input or advice is greatly appreciated!




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Doesn't look like ich.  Does look like it's shedding slime coat, which can be caused by multiple things.  Is your fish breathing heavy?

Ich is tiny white spots.  

Something like this: 

Goldfish Ich Disease (White Spot) Treatments

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The "fuzz" on my goldfish has noticably gotten worse in the past few hours, and their swimming is much slower and labored. I'm thinking about putting in some stress coat to help with the slime coat replacement? Any advice needed!

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I've never owned goldfish and have only had discus shed slimecoat once when I added a bottle of Fitzyme to their tank.  I couldn't tell you what caused it, but it ended up killing one of them.  The only thing I could think was that it was a pH shift from something in the bottle?  It was a near immediate reaction.

Bacteria or parasites could cause them to shed it, but I suspect that it's something to do with your water.  Have you tested your water today?  Maybe you've got something going on that you haven't caught on a test.

How much Prime have you been using?  When did you last dose it?  It might be worth dosing Prime for the volume of the tank if it's been a day or two.  I can't comment on stress coat, perhaps someone else can help with that.

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Water test from the morning results was today, and it is a brand new tank that I set the fish up in. To be fair I only have strip tests, but everything looked good.

Its 20 gal, so I set up it up with 20 drops, which was 2 days ago. On day 1 I used 10 ml of Stability, and since then for the past two days I've been using 5 ml daily.

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On 4/5/2024 at 2:52 PM, P3TADOPTC0 said:

Do you reccomend I up the dosage of Prime then? For 10 gallons, about 50% of the water for the water change, it reccomends 20 drops. 

I'd dose for whatever it recommends and dose it for the whole volume of the tank.

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On 4/5/2024 at 3:34 PM, P3TADOPTC0 said:

Water test from the morning results was today,

I think the biggest challenge you have is you don't know what the water parameters were where he came from. your parameters may be perfect. but what was he accustomed to. he might be in a mini shock just from that

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Over production of the slime coat   it can be caused by poor water quality such as high levels of chlorine or chloramines a bacterial infections flukes or childonelia or  costia  some of the fish at the store in other tanks had visible issues  the fact it has come on very quickly and your water parameters looks fine what I would do is add an extra air stone and do course of kanaplex if your seeing no improvement after 24hr @P3TADOPTC0

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