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Fancy goldfish - columinaris update


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After doing 3 full rounds of kanaplex and fizzing tabs, it looks like the infection my fish were experiencing hadn't progressed any further and the less infected fish is starting to recover some scales. Thankfully my 150g tank has not showed any signs of the disease and I have been dosing it with Sabbactisun as a potential preventative. 

My question now is what to do with the large open hole in my goldfish? Shes doing well, eating and slowly healing, but I feel like I should keep her separated from the test until she's more visually healed. Will a wound like this ever close up again? I don't know what I should expect moving forward and I want to give her the best chance to get better as Muffin is my darling angel and the only goldfish I bought online as I just couldn't say no to her cute face. 

The other goldy in the hospital tank is doing MUCH better and seems to be even getting some color back on the previously infected spot with no redness to the wound any more. I feel like I should put him back into the main tank, but since muffin is used to friends, I worry that she will get lonely as she continues to recover, but if continuing treatment would not be good for the other fish I don't want to have him do poorly because muffin wants a friend. 

Also thank you so much to the people that responded before to my other post. I have dealt with other diseases before and done well but this one was new and progressed so quickly and aggressively that I panicked and felt like there wasn't time to do research because treatment was needed immediately to give the best chance of survival. Yall really helped me and my little guys out. 



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Moving  them would be stressful in there weaken condition that can lead to secondary infection I would leave them were in quarantine and  I would add some aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 2 gallons and add some more  Indian almond leaves and monitor for two weeks after two weeks if they healing eating well no sign of redness then I would make a decision on put them back in the main tank @bbitsaboy

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On 4/5/2024 at 3:22 AM, Colu said:

Moving  them would be stressful in there weaken condition that can lead to secondary infection I would leave them were in quarantine and  I would add some aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 2 gallons and add some more  Indian almond leaves and monitor for two weeks after two weeks if they healing eating well no sign of redness then I would make a decision on put them back in the main tank @bbitsaboy

There is salt in that tank to that concentration and cavatappa in there, when I do water changes I type water out in 5g buckets rather than my usual just hose so I can redose the salt for the water I've removed accurately. 

I've been writing on the glass where I'm at with meds so I'll write in the extra quarantine of 2 weeks and hopefully they improve a lot more. I don't know how that hole is going to heal...is it going to be indented or a pit with scar tissue? I've been trying to look up references pictures of what I should be expecting but I can't find any.

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With salt catappa leaves already I would just monitor very closely over the next couple of weeks if you notice wound starting to get worse again then I would do another course of kanaplex and jungal fungus clear fizz tabs hopefully It will heal you will  probably be left with some noticeable scar tissue 

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Gotcha, thanks. Just makes me nervous about two 4/5" goldfish in a 30g xD way too small. I was nervous waiting the 4 days to do my 25% water changes but the quarantine tank has a canister filter that's partially cycled so it turned out okay. 

Thanks for the help and I'll just be checking them like I have been multiple times a day. Thankfully neither of them have lost appetite or been lethargic through this. Makes me confused about why they were susceptible when they otherwise were acting healthy, water parameters have been stable for over a year and no other fish were effected. They are the two largest in that tank but nothing has changed in there for over 2 months. Seems strange to me. 

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