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pygmy cory reject :(

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Currently I have a small shoal of six pygmy cories in my 30 gallon (I will add more in the future), and they all shoal and stick together except one. I've had them for about a week now. Is there any reason for this? Is this fish a "reject"? Will they feel more comfortable after I get a larger shoal?

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Give them more time to get comfortable with their new surroundings, but also keep an eye on the loner, in case it's not eating or something else is wrong with it.


Even if more would make the primary 5 more comfortable, I wouldn't add more until you know everyone you currently have is okay.

Edited by Tazalanche
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On 4/4/2024 at 9:28 AM, bryanisag said:

Are you sure it is in fact a pygmy corry. Did you get a different species by chance? 

I cannot be one hundred percent sure, the fishes were from petco with a tank of six different fish species. They definitely all look like pygmy cories, including the loner... but to be fair, I can't be 100 percent sure. Just about 80 percent sure.

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They won’t always stick together. I have about 15 Pygmy cory and I would only ever see one or two swim to the front of the tank. 

Is the loner acting weird?

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On 5/26/2024 at 12:20 AM, Little Guys said:

I have three Corrys  in a 7 gallon tank.  It is planted and hardscaped and I never see them.  Do I have to worry about that or are they  more nocturnal?

They like being in a large group. Like many nano fish they are a schooling prey fish and if they can't see a bunch of their buddies out in the open running around they will assume it is because the environment is dangerous and there is a predator around and everyone else is hiding so they will hide as well. The fish do not understand they are in a tank and are perfectly safe. 7 gallons is pretty small for a bunch of corys tho 

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Most of the small fish we keep are schooling/shoaling fish and will always do better with bigger numbers.  Just like my barbs don't exhibit any picking or nipping of anything in the tank   I have a large school of them.  My kulhi loaches are always out looking for food 5 of them maybe 6 .  If you have one isolated it might be sick or defective in some way.  Keep an eye on it make sure it's feeding.  Otherwise expect to need to replace the loaner.

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