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Whitecloud09’s 5 gallon rescape

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I would go for a simple black background and black gravel as well. I think the black gravel brings out any fish colors. But for my next setup I think I want to try light colored gravel to hide the fish poop better. Black gravel definitely requires more gravel vaccing if you want it to look nice, but in the end it’s worth it to me!

For the black background on my 10g I picked up a matte black poster board from the Wally World and taped it to the back of the tank. Works perfectly.

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On 7/1/2024 at 2:02 PM, EricksonAquatics said:

I would go for a simple black background and black gravel as well. I think the black gravel brings out any fish colors. But for my next setup I think I want to try light colored gravel to hide the fish poop better. Black gravel definitely requires more gravel vaccing if you want it to look nice, but in the end it’s worth it to me!

For the black background on my 10g I picked up a matte black poster board from the Wally World and taped it to the back of the tank. Works perfectly.

Thinking the SAME exact thing about the background. Thx for the suggestions, i am going for the natural look obvioisly, but what do u think, rock or driftwood look? I like lots of peoples suggestions so i have different options to chose from! Thx again @CoryWithAKatana, and @EricksonAquatics!!!

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On 7/1/2024 at 5:07 PM, EricksonAquatics said:

I think it depends on what you like. I vote rocks bc I don’t personally love the look of tannins (and it seems most types of wood leech a ton of tannins, especially in a small tank). 

Ya, i have not tried rocks, so yes might give it a try! Thx. Fake or is there real rocks??? I am not a rock guy lol.

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