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Please help tank out of cycle and my setup

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  1. Tank size: 75 gallon freshwater 
  2. Fish: (1x) 10.5” long comet goldfish 
  3. Parameters: 
  4. Ammonia- 0.25 but has been spiking to 0.5 and then lowers to a lil lower than 0.25
  5. Nitrite-0
  6. Nitrate- 2ppm -4ppm  was 20-30ppm before 50% water change on 3/26/2024 
  7. pH- 8.2 
  8. Fish condition currently: no lethargy, eating well once to twice per day but not begging for food., slight red streaks on tail after feeding and hardly any red streaks. Still moving around fine acting happy w slight stress here and there. 

date of cycle start: 3/14/2024 used api quick start and double dose of stress zyme on 3/22/2024

used 8mL seachem prime on 3/28/2024 at 1:42 pm after test readings. Last test prior was on 3/26/2024 @ 12:40pm

setup questions 1. Im using aquarium coop filter sponges on a topfin pf75 hang on back filter. But the brand new floss keeps becoming flimsy and tearing. Affecting the waterfall. I also have 2 mesh bags of bioballs on the left side behind em. Should i remove them from the bags and dump them in the bottom of the filter instead to free up space? 

2. the pre filter intake sponges are for safety. Would you recommend cleaning once per week or once every 2 weeks? In a bucket of aquarium or filtered tap water or chlorinated tap water like primetime aquatics on youtube recommended?



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On 3/28/2024 at 6:45 PM, TealStarlight said:

Should i remove them from the bags and dump them in the bottom of the filter instead to free up space? 

It's up to you. If you keep them in the mesh bag don't allow bag to get clogged with waste also suggest maintaining prefilter during each water change. I would not rinse the prefilter under tap water because beneficial bacteria will cultivate on it. It can take a cycle up to 6-8 weeks. Everyone experience different full cycle times. 

I would do extra smaller water changes and test weekly until water parameters stabilize. 

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On 3/28/2024 at 9:25 PM, Tlindsey said:

I would not rinse the prefilter under tap water because beneficial bacteria will cultivate on it

Yes they grow on it, but no, tap water won’t hurt them. It takes standard tap over an hour of just soaking in it to kill beneficial bacteria. @TealStarlight Jason is very correct about that. Unless you’re soaking your equipment in tap, it’s harmless. It takes hours even to kill pathogenic bacteria. As for cleaning, treat it like a sponge filter, when it gets clogged, clean it. Every other or every 3 should be fine. 
you can also clean your hob cartridge this way, and reuse several times.

you’re probably in for a bit of a fish In cycle, but you have nitrates. So not much of one. Just keep your ammonia under .25 with changes. Dechlorinate with prime. And watch your parameters. If you’re careful with your parameters. Your fish will be perkier 

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I would keep the media in the bags in case you need to pull them out for some reason. You can also get a sheet of course sponge to replace the cartridges if that filter change with one.

I normally just squeeze my sponge filters into a bucket of tank water during water changes. Then you can use that water for house plants or the garden.

Figuring out a schedule is something you'll probably have to pay with to figure out. Weekly is probably overboard for your stocking level. You could probably get away with once a month. Just watch for if it looks like you're getting less flow.

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On 3/29/2024 at 12:35 AM, Schuyler said:

normally just squeeze my sponge filters into a bucket of tank water during water changes

You know, I did the exact same thing when starting. But when a biology professor says it takes an hour and a half to kill any bacteria. I listened. And man, for sponges or cartridges, just so much faster and easier to run tap through it. I still use the buckets for gravel vaccing, so the plants are still good 😂

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