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Baby Betta

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Hello all, we had a few good months and have gotten a few more fish and shrimp. All in another tank. We have had a betta( got her as a baby) from Petco, for 2 and a half months and out of nowhere she stopped moving. She won’t eat. She just lays on the bottom looking like she’s dead. I have tested the water for ph, ammonia, nitrates, nitrites, and it all came back within range. I also keep and eye on temp and it’s always between 75-80. Doesn’t seem like swim bladder. My daughter is heartbroken. Any ideas? 

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First I would move this topic to sickness section of the forum it will get more attention there. Second I will tag @Colu who will hopefully be able to help you. However I do want to prepare that the baby bettas that the big box store sells do not always have great survival rate because usually they are sold before they are able to cope with the stress. That does not mean you should give up hope you may be able to save the baby I just want you prepared.

Edited by JE47
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Yeah, it’s getting to be a hit or miss with big box stores bettas. I usually keep 5-6 in different tanks. They can last anywhere from a month to usually no longer than a couple years. Nowhere like they should 

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First I would gradually raise the temperature to 82 betta  and  add a small amount of aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 5 gallon that Will aid Gill function and add essential electrolytes I would do a course of kanaplex most of time when Bettas get weak it's because there immune system compromised due to inbreeding and poor condition at the fish farms and store when there kept in small cups  could be bacterial infection kanaplex is a broad spectrum antibiotic treatment I would do a course then give an update if your seeing no improvement or he gets worse @Jaydela

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