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Friend's mysterious death of fish.


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My friend was telling me a story today about their old fish and an odd cause of death. It's very intriguing and i'd like to know why this happened. Appalrently, they went on vacation about a year ago and left their fish to their brother, who allegedly did not feed them and left the decomposing bodies of two betta's who blew up. And yes, I do mean that they literally blew up in the tank.




A good comparison they made is the scene in Stranger Things season 3 when the rats blow up to become parts of the Mind Flayer's physical form. Any ideas as to what happened?

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I am trying to wrap my mind around how a fish would burst? Did the person see the fish burst or find them that way hours later?

@Colu is our resident fish doctor maybe he knows of something that would create such a reaction.

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What probably happened was the fish died as a result of an ammonia or nitire spike fish decompose really quickly in warm water if they had other fish or snails in the tank they would have started to eat the other fish and the  body would start to fall apart if it was an advanced stage of decomposition 

Edited by Colu
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