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Rice fish and Rasbora?

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Oh heck yeah @EnvyDontKnow, kubotai's and Ricefish are a fantastic combo. I've kept both, medaka platinum ricefish to be specific, and they'd be perfect together. Almost the exact same temperament as I recall too.

Oh, but definitely get groups of both. Personally I'd recommend a dozen of each. In both cases, I got a group of 8. In both cases, a couple would die and I did notice bullying and a whittling down of numbers when at a group of 6 or below. But that could just have been my experience.

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@Chad, Thanks again, I plan personally getting either youkihi or the black ricefish, I'm getting a 10 gallon though, but I could upgrade to a 12 long if necessary. are schools of 7 acceptable for both types of fish?

However, I'm worried it could get overstocked quickly because they are planned to co-exist with Orange Rili shrimp. If this doesn't work out any other types of rasbora or fish that would pair well with medaka?

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I can't speak to your situation with certainty, only with what I've experienced. They say a school of six at a minimum and you should be fine, but I've had problems personally with those numbers. Then again, overcrowding is likely a bigger deal that turns on the aggression. I would say a longer tank for these fish is better, but that's also a personal preference of mine regarding tanks so take it with a grain of salt. Again, watch out for bullying. These are docile fish, but I'm being honest, I've seen docile fish (specifically these fish) become nasty when the tank is overcrowded and they're on top of one another. I have a fluval flex 9 that I no longer use for this very reason. The Kubotai's got aggressive in there. I've also seen them be fine in other peoples tanks of similar specs so who am I to say what will will and will not work?  

All that to say, I'd try the 12 long set up and do not worry about the shrimp. I've never had shrimp cause overcrowding in a tank. Or ammonia spikes, etc. Have fun, and go crazy with shrimp. Also try the groups of 7 each, just keep an eye out for nipped fins, or more likely, a fish that hides/driven into a corner and then dies a week or two later. Then another fish that starts the cycle over again. That's how it went for me with. 

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@Chad, Thanks again! I've done a little bit more of research and asking around regarding Medaka and Rasbora. I can kind of see a link to your experience with keeping them together, apparently, Medaka will grow bigger than the Kubotai, so that's probably the culprit of the bullying, I'd think that a bigger school of kubotai and a slightly smaller school of medaka could work

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Sorry, I should explain. The bullying issue wasn't between the two species but within their own groups. One ricefish started bullying another ricefish, and then another... Same thing with the kubotai's. Again, I believe both were issues of overcrowding AND group size. Unfortunately I did them wrong on both counts.

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