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Recommendations on where to get decor and hiding places that are more natural. When we first set up we did all plastic plants and castles and sunken ships. I want to create something better and more natural. I looked at petsmart and petco and don’t love anything there.

Here’s a picture when we first set it up over a year ago. It’s changed some but not a lot. 


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Actually, I like it. It’s cute. I think most people start like this. With the plastic decor and plast plants. I still use pieces like that in some spots  

The plants from Petco/PetSmart are not that bad. very sturdy beginner plants. You can get different substrates from there. From sand to aqua soil. Or you can get plants directly from coop. Coop gives you more selection. And higher quality. For decor like rocks and driftwood. Local fish shops are good. Or something like Amazon. I like to browse at different lfs because it lets me actually handle the item and get a feel for it. For different types, use google to search for types of aquarium driftwood or aquarium stone. This can give you an idea of what’s available. You could even go to rock shops and take a look, see if there’s anything you like. Driftwood is a bit trickier to get from nature. You want hard wood that won’t rot quickly. And it must be chemical and pesticide free. I usually advise against collecting driftwood if you don’t know it’s origin. 

and there’s really nothing wrong with what you have. You could take and create a “lost” castle or ship by glueing anubias to it and create a jungle behind it. And a few really low grower in front and to the sides. 

the thing to watch. With a hex like that you’re kind of stuck light wise. I have one I was going to put a bright light on, doesn’t work so good. You’ll have to use mostly low light or medium light plants. Which is fine as long as you keep that in mind 

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If you have a local fish store near you, go check it out and see what you like. So many different options of wood and rock that it really comes down to personal preference. 

It’s hard to do better than wood, rocks, and plants, in my opinion. Remember that with most plants, regardless of where you get them, you’re paying for the roots and hoping they adjust well to your water. Most will experience some type of melt, but if they bounce back you’ll be set. Remember that it takes months for my plants, in my experience, to really adapt to your water and start to thrive.  The exceptions to that rule are rhizome plants like Anubias, Java Ferns, and Bucephelandra. Play around and find the plants that work well in your water. 

Like @Tony s said, having a tall tank can make lighting difficult. Try some low light plants like Anubias and Java Fern, make sure you don’t bury the rhizome, and see how they do for you. If you can get some PSO started and going it could grow like a weed in the tank and really take advantage of the height of the tank. Same goes for a Dwarf Aquarium Lily. 

Edited by AllFishNoBrakes
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For decor I like dragonstone and driftwood the most. For hiding places I like ceramic cichlid/pleco caves and then attaching plants to them like java moss, anubias or bucephalandra. Sometimes I like to make my own caves using rocks. Honestly I love covering all types of decor with plants.

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