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HELP - Reintroduction plan

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I Set-up a 40 Gallon Breeder end of 2023. Tank has seemed to reach an equilibrium point with occupants getting along well.

My question at end of post. Here is my current stocking level ...

2 - Mystery Snails

3 - Bolivian Rams

4 - Red Eye Tetra (5th in quarantine *)

5 - Sterbai Cory

7 - Emperor Tetra ( Had 9 - 1 jumper, another in quarantine**)

* Red eye tetra got beat up, I put into quarantine, "put him back" and same thing happened (rinse , repeat) he is healed in quarantine tank.

** When repairing my cover, I lost the jumper Emperor Tetra, I only counted 7 so I thought I lost two. Last week I saw the 8th, this little girl was very pale and hiding at the surface near the heater. She looks good in quarantine.

I was curious as to how to reintroduce my quarantine fish. I had read that rearrangement helps with reintroduction, but to be honest my tank is newly set-up and I like how it is.  Looking for advice.

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When I had issue with aggression in my neolamprologus multifasciatus, and reintroducing the beat up male resulted in the same aggression, I caught all the fish, rearranged the territories and put the beat up fish in first, and the other fish in later

It may be hard to catch all the tetras (use a bottle trap) and maybe you need more plants or visual breaks in the tank. Or maybe you need to up their numbers/get rid of one school. Fish are not so vicious when in larger numbers. 

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If you like your scape, I would take the one fish that keeps getting beat up to the LFS and explain the situation. You might even get a bit of store credit. I have learned that if something is stressing me, remove it from my tank and the stress is gone.  Also I have read that sometimes schooling fish will beat up one of their own because they are sick (despite no symptoms) or have weak genetics or something along those lines.

Edited by NOLANANO
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It may help to try it at night in pitch black. That’s when the fish are least active. But I’d want to be able to keep an eye on them. During the night a couple of times. And for sure early in the morning. 

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red eye tetra is kind of like buenos Aires tetra. "There can be only one". in that they tend to pick off the weakest fish until there's only one last survivor. very tiger barb like. there is no guarantee they wouldnt turn around and find another to pick off. even if you didn't put that one back. 

try after the 15 minute mark


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The remaining 4 red eyes seem like equals. No one is getting harassed. Maybe reintroducing the abused red eye with a couple more red eyes would do the trick.  I could introduce the emperor tetra at the same time.  

One of my original thoughts before making the post was to add a different school of fish with the quarantined at the same time, but I kinda like the current level of stocking.

Thanks for sharing the video. Glad you indicated timing of appropriate content. He drug out content forever and with his side kick seeming to have something better to do, it would have been painful to watch the whole thing. 

And thanks to everyone else for your input.

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On 3/13/2024 at 2:50 PM, Tlindsey said:

I personally would give that redeye tetra to a lfs. Next time that redeye is bullied got ill  died it may affect your now perfect aquarium environment. 

You're probably right. I may put the Emperor Tetra back in just to see what happens. Not fully sure on her story, but if it doesn't look favorable. I could visit the lfs with both fish.

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On 3/13/2024 at 12:13 PM, Billipo said:

He drug out content forever and with his side kick seeming to have something better to do

Side kick (Joanna, his wife) is usually watching the chat, so it doesn't get away from them. One of my favorite channels. only one I'm a member of. lots of basic information there. and valid info as he's a microbiology professor with certification in fish health

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On 3/13/2024 at 3:17 PM, Billipo said:

I may put the Emperor Tetra back in just to see what happens

That may be fine as it's a different species. just keep an eye out. I'd also keep an eye out between your red eyes. Jason is usually very good on his info.

Oh and you now have 2 fish that could use a new home. doesn't that call for a new 55g home?🤣 at least that's what I'm trying to convince my wife🤣

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On 3/13/2024 at 3:27 PM, Tony s said:

That may be fine as it's a different species. just keep an eye out. I'd also keep an eye out between your red eyes. Jason is usually very good on his info.

Oh and you now have 2 fish that could use a new home. doesn't that call for a new 55g home?🤣 at least that's what I'm trying to convince my wife🤣

55g home would be justified.  😃

Right now my 20g long is their small quarantine apartment which they share with some plants I'm growing. 

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Against advice, I did add the two outcasts back to the tank. Immediately a male emperor tetra went after the red eye and then so did the other red eyes. I was able to catch him quickly when he hid at the surface.

The emperor tetra immediately lost color and soon hid, burry herself in vegetation. There was a little bit of chasing when she was discovered. It was obvious she wasn't happy, so I returned her to the quarantine tank. 

You guys were right!

I think they were just bad fish. When I put them in my Oscar tank, they didn't get along with them either....... Just kidding. 

I feel obligated to give them a good home, but I'm not real excited about returning to shop or to keep them in their current state.

Thanks again for input.

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