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Would 16 Celestial Pearl Danio be enough

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I have a 29 gallon tank with 6 Panda cories and 6 Forktail Rainbow (need more of these guys). So would a school of 16 Celestial Pearl Danio be enough to get them out from hiding? I have dither fish on the bottom and top of the tank but as I said, may need more Rainbows.

I would be disappointed if I bought these guys and they just hide in the plants all the time. Opinions?


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You could run this through aqadvisor.com to see how full it says your tank would be. And sometimes more is better. I had 6 skunk corys that were always hiding. I added 6 more. Now they’re literally everywhere. They reclaimed the tank back from the angels.

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On 3/11/2024 at 8:32 PM, mrPickles said:

I have 12 in my 90 gallon

So below is the picture everyone uses, I believe this is a male in full breeding colors. 


How far off are their normal everyday colors? 

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On 3/12/2024 at 9:18 AM, madmark285 said:

So below is the picture everyone uses, I believe this is a male in full breeding colors. 


How far off are their normal everyday colors? 

Mine look basically like that always (the males at least).  When they're really ready to breed they actually develop a bright orange stripe down their forehead (hard to see in your pic) and will show that off for the female.  I think the females are also pretty colorful, but not as much as the males.

You can kind of see the stripe better here:

Celestial Pearl Danio: Care, Tank Size, Breeding & More - Fish Laboratory


Here's one of my fairly colored up females.


I have ~60 partly grown fry in a 29 and they are pretty out and about.  The adult group of 10 in a 10 gallon are never out.  Every batch of fry that I've raised has been more visible than their parents.  I don't know why that is.  They're still easily spooked, but they recovery quickly and come back out.

Edited by jwcarlson
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On 3/12/2024 at 9:18 AM, madmark285 said:

So below is the picture everyone uses, I believe this is a male in full breeding colors. 


How far off are their normal everyday colors? 

they tend to always look good. after about 5 years, im down to my last 1, and he still looks very much like that picture.

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On 3/12/2024 at 10:46 AM, jwcarlson said:

The adult group of 10 in a 10 gallon are never out. 

Thanks! The best I can do is 16 but I may lose a few in shipping.   I currently have plastic plants and can create a jungle along the back.    Will have to think about this purchase. I love the look but don't want a where the fish tank.

I only have 5 Forktail rainbow, maybe if i add some laid back tetra will help out. 

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On 3/12/2024 at 11:08 AM, madmark285 said:

I only have 5 Forktail rainbow, maybe if i add some laid back tetra will help out. 

I have three forktails (+ some fry because they're spawning) in with my CPD grow outs and they are ALWAYS out.  Are yours hiding?  

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On 3/12/2024 at 12:09 PM, jwcarlson said:

Are yours hiding?  

The forktails are always out and about. There are currently in a 20 gallon grow out tank. Cory stressed the important of dither fish for the Celestial Pearl Danio, just wonder if I need more.

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On 3/12/2024 at 11:18 AM, madmark285 said:

The forktails are always out and about. There are currently in a 20 gallon grow out tank. Cory stressed the important of dither fish for the Celestial Pearl Danio, just wonder if I need more.

I had one forktail (that was shipped with my CPDs) and lived with them until I got a couple more.  I just moved him out of the CPD tank a week or so ago.  Granted this is just one furcatta, but it didn't seem to make them more or less outgoing.  I had a total and complete jungle for them for a long time.  I can always locate them, but I doubt that CPDs are ever really a centerpiece type fish that's always out and active.  They seem relatively low activity fish.  

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The question is, what do you want your tank to focus on. If its your cpd school, by all means add more. large schools of little fish are always impressive. and you still have plenty of room. so 25 cpd's doesn't seem out of order

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On 3/12/2024 at 8:18 AM, madmark285 said:

So below is the picture everyone uses, I believe this is a male in full breeding colors. 


How far off are their normal everyday colors? 

Mine look really impressive but the saturation of that pic looks cranked up. What JWcarlson posted seems pretty true to form. Only thing I don't like is that they're so small you have to get pretty close to really appreciate their color. They quickly became the favorite in my aquarium though.

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On 3/12/2024 at 12:24 PM, Tony s said:

The question is, what do you want your tank to focus on.

Yep, I need to figure this out. I have never setup a nano tank , I forget how many you can put in a 29 gallon tank! I have a Tidal 55 mounted on the side which can create a serious current, was thinking about a river system. That didn't pan out and I connected the Tidal to an undergravel filter which should dampen the current and  I can just turn the flow down on the Tidal.

I'm leaning toward 16 CPD and possible 2 schools of Tetra's but that seem like alot of fish in a 29 gallon tank. 



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On 3/13/2024 at 5:34 AM, Tony s said:

All depends on the size of the tetras.

Absolutely! Big thanks to you and all for your excellent feedback. It seems to me for CPD, go big (large school) to dominate the tank  or let them be little treasure fish ie: you have to closely observe the tank to see them. I am OK with the latter, I decide I want a community tank. So I may just get 8 CPD (One grip against buying from Aqua Huna, have to buy in multiple of 8). 

I was thinking about Von Rio (flame) or Emerald Tetra, possible Serpae or Candy Cane Tetra with the CPD. The Serpae may be a problem.



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