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Fish with dropsy


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My fish is in the early stages of dropsy can i mix maracyn and prazipro together just so i can do a precautionary mesure of any parasites and Bacterial problems they might have in the main aquarium while i quarantine the sick fish amd also can anybody tell me how much of each i could use in a 5gallon its the only other spare tank i have thats cycled with no fish just snails in it any advice is very much appreciated!!

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A bit high on the nitrates, but the rest of the parameters look good. The hardness is not an issue. Dropsy or bloat in fish is a hard issue. Honestly, most of the time it doesn’t end well. I believe it’s usually an internal bacterial infection or in some cases it’s a problem with the kidneys. Either way, fluid is building up internally. I don’t think maracyn is going to do a lot. You need maracyn 2 or kanaplex. Kanaplex externally. Maracyn2 soaked into their food. Both should be available at your lfs. There are epsom salt baths that can be used to relieve pressure. Make sure the epsom salt doesn’t have any additives, like scents or other chemicals. I’m actually hesitant to give advice at this point, I’d hate to give it wrong. But @Colu has all the answers. Probably has it memorized by heart now. 😂. The 5 gallon tank would work, but I don’t think you can have snails in it during treatment. A shallow breeder box could also work. Better to keep them higher in the tank. Less pressure on the fish.

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 medication are stressful to fish so I wouldn't use both at the same time as your using them as a preventive treatment I would treat with maracyn then follow up with prazipro with dropsy the most effective treatment I have found is aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 2 gallons that will help reduce fluid buildup aid Gill function and add essential  kanaplex to treat any possible internal bacterial infections and metroplex  in food feeding a small amount twice a day for upto 3 weeks you can use maracyn in food instead of kanaplex if dosing the tank maracyn will only treat external bacterial infections @Gio,



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Thank you so much @Colu and @Tony s for the helpful advice i appreciate it a lot! she seems to be doing a lot better the pineconing went away she seems to be swimming better not staying at the bottom she does have kinda of a twitch though not sure if thats normal with this kind of ailment that goes away afterwards

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