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Horseface loach questions

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Back story: about 5 years ago I bought a horseface loach at an lfs in Monterey CA. I unfortunately lost this guy in a move last year.

After setting up a new tank at the new house I bought 4 more horseface loaches from Dan's fish. I have had these fish at least 6 months now. These fish look vastly different from the one I had before.

Does anyone know from experience or on good authority that these fish are the same species?

Do they take years to grow perhaps?

Also the four I currently have look different from each other. 2 have a long white band along their belly.

Is this a male vs female trait? Or are these potentially different species as well?

Any info on the subject would be awesome. I have read the seriously fish page on them but other credible websites would be appreciated too. 



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On 3/7/2024 at 3:45 PM, bryanisag said:

Back story: about 5 years ago I bought a horseface loach at an lfs in Monterey CA. I unfortunately lost this guy in a move last year.

After setting up a new tank at the new house I bought 4 more horseface loaches from Dan's fish. I have had these fish at least 6 months now. These fish look vastly different from the one I had before.

Does anyone know from experience or on good authority that these fish are the same species?

Do they take years to grow perhaps?

Also the four I currently have look different from each other. 2 have a long white band along their belly.

Is this a male vs female trait? Or are these potentially different species as well?

Any info on the subject would be awesome. I have read the seriously fish page on them but other credible websites would be appreciated too. 



I did a little research and only found info on the one species. I'll assume that as they mature the patterns change. @bryanisag 

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Been  reading up on these and there are 5 species spread over south Asia I don't no how often the other species are exported acantopsis rungthipae seem to be one that's readily available in the aquarium trade

Edited by Colu
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On 3/10/2024 at 6:50 AM, Colu said:

Been  reading up on these and there are 5 species spread over south Asia I don't no how often the other species are exported acantopsis rungthipae seem to be one that's readily available in the aquarium trade

Can I ask what you were reading perhaps? I'm looking for all the sources I can. Thank you

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 Was looking in some of my books  Indian ornamental fishes vol 1 by Heiko Bleher has information on a couple of species' and I just did some random internet searches can't remember the website name it was a couple of week ago @bryanisag

Edited by Colu
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