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I have an established 10 gallon planted tank, and currently in the tank there are: 

5 ghost shrimp 

1 hifin platy

Would it be overstocked if I added a school of 6 neon tetras/black neon tetras? I am completely fine with doing more frequent water changes to account for it. 

and in the case that I do get these neon tetras, would I need an airstone to account for the higher bioload? My filter has pretty decent aeration and surface agitation I believe.

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it depends on how much your filter can handle. I have a FX4 on my 60-gallon goldfish tank with 10 goldies. I would recommend having a bigger filter than needed and/or adding airstones if you think you would need it. also, another thing to think of is how much hiding space they have. (EX- plants, wood, decor). because you would want to have more hiding space with that many fish in a 10-gallon. so you can do it if your filter can handle it!!!

Good luck! 


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You’re probably good for 6 neons. They’re relatively small. Blacks are thicker bodied. So going to produce more bioload. Therefore more water changes. You’d have to monitor closely until you get a feel for how much and how often to do extra water changes. But, yeah, if you stay on top of it, you could. 

extra air is never a bad idea. So it definitely wouldn’t hurt to add a stone 

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On 3/2/2024 at 2:13 AM, Abby said:

it depends on how much your filter can handle. I have a FX4 on my 60-gallon goldfish tank with 10 goldies. I would recommend having a bigger filter than needed and/or adding airstones if you think you would need it. also, another thing to think of is how much hiding space they have. (EX- plants, wood, decor). because you would want to have more hiding space with that many fish in a 10-gallon. so you can do it if your filter can handle it!!!

Good luck! 


My tank has plenty of hardscape and plants to provide hiding spots, so hopefully this won't be an issue. What's the best way to know if there isn't enough oxygen in the tank?

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